
I phrased that poorly. I should have said where you can outplay a team for almost an entire game and lose in a couple of bad minutes. Basketball and football mostly aren’t like that in the sense that leads can be erased in a bang-bang fashion. Soccer is the only thing that comes close, but the play is so much slower

“Fuck! The camera is moving towards us and my wife is watching the game on TV. What do we do?”

Maybe he was making fun of him?

I’m white and if somebody called me a n*gger, I’m not personally offended (but may be confused if it happens). But, I absolutely do find the term offensive. I don’t find that to be paternalism, as much as it’s common decency.

1. If people find terms offensive, even if it doesn’t refer to them, “they’re paternalistic

This is a guy who went to see the team when they played in the Thunderdome, which turned out to be a better hockey arena than a baseball stadium.

Ooof. Definitely put it with some water. Learned that the hard way.

I laughed.

I thought Alissa Walker was the worst editor over at Gawker for her endlessly annoying utopian autonomous car puff pieces, but I now pass that honor to you and whatever the fuck you call this sensationalist bullshit. Can’t wait for “the big one” to bring Darwinism back to the west coast and finally put an end to you

Yeah, just like car insurance! Wait a minute...

It was not unjustifiably vilified. The act has forced people to either have an acceptable insurance policy, or pay a penalty. People should have the right to decide whether or not to buy health insurance.

It’s never even gotten close to being popular.

“Republicans openly brag when they pass legislation that the public opposes by wide margins in polling.”

I read it. Worst use of 5 minutes today, aside from meeting your mom for “just lunch."

Try reading the article & not your comment.

Nice share on what it’s like having to work on deadline in a challenged enviroment. Trying to transmit like this turns you into a wifi hunter. I used to laugh a news photogs I knew who years ago had every free wifi setup in our city down to what space to park in for a free pirate. Nice to hear the Rays players were

That’s not even the most egregious thing about this...the Ravens were perfectly fine making a double murder suspect a team captain for more than a decade...but WEED?!?!?! No fucking way.

How fucking stupid is it to take someone off your board because they smoke weed? ARGHHHH

Yes, let the record show these men are white! Crucial point to convey the meaning of the story!