Or just eat a god damned apple and a banana.
Or just eat a god damned apple and a banana.
The ANALwick castle... Thank you but NO.
I doNOT like the idea of an all electric vehicle. I would much rather have a hybrid type where a small motorcycle/moped sized engine powers an alternator and it’s sole duty (doodie) would be charging the battery packs.
Or you could just free pour...
Fuck Me... you’re not even joking; I had a 91 Accord and it was a bastard fucker. I finally managed to break the plastic a little and after that it was relatively easy but I still tore my knuckles to shreds.
Vectrex & Intellivision FTW!
Tie rods? But how would you break both... at the same time?
I know it’s mean and potentially uncool but I would keep it and learn how to use it because they clearly don’t fucking care. Had a new roof installed + gutters and the gutter guys left a really nice Bosch Sawsall... I saved it from the rain and gave it back. They didn’t even acknowledge the fact that it was missing.
What if a black person dressed as a famous white person (white face instead of black face).
Yeah but in all fairness when VW built its plant in Tennessee (AKA KenFucky) they had all sorts of problems getting rid of stills.
Oh Fuck Me
Someone else... meaning someone that wins races?
So... is this going to be the new “thing” after winning a race?
If you need dinner in a hurry eat a fucking apple and a pb&j...
OMG... That’s the Mach 5!