
I saw one with cheese the other day and I got unreasonably excited. Then I learned that there were only four different kinds of cheese on a rotation for 24 days. No, cheese advent calendar, I want 24 different goddamn cheeses!

“So the question to me is, is it harassment for one coworker to ask another if they wish to have sex”

You really don’t see the problem with asking a colleague in a professional situation if they’ll watch you masturbate? He has power over the careers/opportunities these women are exposed to. Do you do that at work? Walk into the lunch room and ask the first woman you see if she’ll look at your dick?

I really spent all season suspecting him of being a nice guy facade on top of an utter asshole, but nope he just became a hero instead.

Must our collective cynicism extend to Kristen Bell? She’s so amusingly pouty in the photo, come on, does that not warm one’s stoney heart?

My friend cheated on his wife. He gave his wife multi-drug resistant gonorrhea.

If his wife knows he’s in rehab for sex addiction, because of the porn or whatever, then she must wonder if he’s ever crossed a line. Maybe she’ll even feel relieved that it was only one person, if it was only one person. At any rate, I very much doubt he’s preserving her peace of mind by not telling her. She knows he

I don’t talk about my kid to that level or anything when talking to my non-kid friends, but it’s pretty much my life now as a SAHM. So if you want to know how I am doing or what’s going on in my life, it’s my kid. I realize that sounds pathetic, but I can’t talk to you about my career (currently on hold), last night’s

The wife shouldn’t know hubby exposed her to disease? Cool. Yep, let’s protect the cheaters. I ask this seriously, Jane: how did you get this job, because most of the advice you give is incredibly irresponsible.

He truly is a vile person, for multiple reasons. One silver lining is that our daughter will never, ever have to meet him.

I do, too. She has a right to know and decide if she is OK still being married to him. As far as I know, none of the steps are “make some else’s decisions for them.”

“Soon after my wife and I were married, 4 years ago, I had sex with a woman at a club in Panama where I had a work assignment for a month. I promptly forgot all about it until I started the Sex Addicts Anonymous program last year.”

I really wish articles would specify which kind of diabetes. It’s obvious to me that the study is referring to type 2 diabetes, but I promise many, many people don’t know the difference between t1 and t2. And almost all of those people try to tell me I could just cure my diabetes with a better diet/more

I’m a shelter worker (actual brick-and mortar one), so I know, believe me.

I think you’re right, she is being more harshly depicted than her male colleagues, with the exception being Trump himself. I do agree that some of it is likely social biases, but I think it’s also partly because Kate McKinnon is SO DAMN GOOD at satirizing her. If they didn’t have Kate I don’t think they’d have nearly

None of this seems that unreasonable to me.

Can we not make a joke out of this one topic? Ben is in Dirt Bag regularly, go do this on any other post. Let’s keep men’s feet to the fire for real stuff like sexual assault and forgo the shitty punch line.

When I started on this career path, I was 17 years old in university and had never even had a boyfriend. This career is all I’ve ever wanted.

The minute your mental health means real people get hurt, you’ve left the realm where there’s anything excusable. And the minute you try to tell me you can’t figure that out because something something those crazy Japanese! I don’t have to be polite to you. Don’t talk to me anymore.

You can sit with me.