
THIS. I have so many family members who are very proud of our heritage, but are anti-immigrant. It’s mind-boggling. People said the exact same shit about the Irish that they say about Mexicans now. Our great-great-grandparents would be ashamed.

Seems to me you did not read the article.

These people are so goddamn annoying its infuriating. They talk about welfare system this and welfare system that.

As I replied to you on your other comment, you could not be more wrong if you tried. There is no way that the overwhelming majority of DACA beneficiaries could “get the fucking permit” because that is not how our system of immigration works.

Because there is no such thing as “opportunities for file for citizenship” or “put [money] for permanent residence.”

It’s just as annoying as the ice bucket challenge. And thus, I assume it will be just as effective in raising shit loads of money. If the non-celebs get into it with $10 challenges and nominations, it will become even more annoying and simultaneously even more effective.

Mark Regnerus is warning women that no one buys the cow when it gives the milk away for free.

Yay pitbull moms! Here’s my handsome boy, Fezzik.

They are some of the kindest, most well behaved dogs out there. Totally misunderstood. Here is my guy.

Adorable! My Orion is a pit bull mix, and he’s definitely a lover not a fighter. He only attacks with kisses.

I just got my first ever pup who’s a pit. She’s my heart and soul. This “art” enrages me and makes me so sad. Pitbulls are natural lovers and super friendly. Only an asshole would make them aggressive and fight.

This horrifies me, as a dog lover & pit bull mom. I find the maltreatment this breed suffers heartbreaking. Posting a pic of pup and me just because.

Wow, this guy isn’t even trying . My Yelp Review would be:

It’s called “The Rest of the Smithsonian, Minus Foreign Stuff”.

I hadn’t thought of that. No, I meant that watching her knock over a shrimp fountain and set the curtains on fire was hilarious, and I found it great every time. :)

Seriously??? It’s a post about the season premiere. What did you think was going to be written here?

Next up: the new field of sorority rush consultant consultants, to help you get the “right” sorority rush consultant.

Because you are poor and desperate and maybe you have no family.

No, it’s not a bit much. I’ve worked with a rescue for a couple of years now. It’s not too much because bring-backs SUCK.

I’ll be sure to think of this article when I’m euthanizing dogs at work tonight, so thanks.