
I don’t think you have to like Natalie Portman to think this is shit. If we only care about women we approve of getting equal pay, the wage gap will never close.

But do you really think IMDB is where the ageism comes from? There is plenty of ageism, but I can’t see anyone in Hollywood going “How old is she? Let’s check IMDB. Oh wait, she’s way too old for the part.” Hollywood knows around how old people are or they make the decision based on how old they look. No one is

I don’t get why imdb is fighting this so hard.

I guess this is out of style now that cosleeping is in style, but my parents just told us that bedrooms are private places, that you shouldn’t go in someone else’s without permission, and that if someone leaves the living room or the kitchen to go to theirs they probably want to be left alone. They were pretty good

usually it’s not scientists telling us they “know” about those things. It’s usually the press or people who work with the results. Scientists themselves are usually quite aware about the inherent uncertainty of scientific knowledge...

A very, very cursory google isn’t turning up the actual literature regarding what Del Monte did here but any time I’m asked to write a grad assignment in the form of a research proposal, I write something very much like this (genetically engineering overproduction of a useful molecule in a crop plant - ask me about

I’m only 6'3" and it definitely has an effect.

it’s not racist to say it, it’s just how it is among those communities

hooooooolyyyyyyy shit.

The obsession with sexualizing/romanticizing little kids by trying to pair them off is so fucking weird to me.

Unless he killed the boy to make it a good story. You don’t watch enough law and order!

My Facebook feed has just been a solid wall of this story - if it’s true, it’s actually awful. The grieving parents should have spent the last moments with their child, not a strange, aging beard enthusiast!

There are too many good tunes to confine to two days.

Anorexics want to be skinny. Doesn’t mean they don’t suffer from a disease just like this poor woman.

I know a lot of people find Zoey Deschanel annoying and twee, but I legit love her and her quirkiness. There, I said it. She reminds me of my girlfriends in that she give no fucks about going hard on her aesthetic because she genuinely likes it. Come at me, bro.

This is so spot on.

Yup. When my sister in law was pregnant she posted an article about some gadget that is supposed to remind you your kid is in the back seat and she was incredulous - who would forget a child etc - and lots of parents chimed in to say yeah you’d think, but it happens, especially if you have a routine locked down.

This happened to me a couple of times when my now 14 year old was an infant. It was dead of winter in MI and it was super freaking cold. I was trying to get her out of her stroller and into the car seat and then get the stroller collapsed and into the car. I’d get her into the car seat and then do the stroller and

It’s when the kid in the backseat is an anomaly. The CSI episode (original series, hundreds of years ago now, I realize) was inspired by a real case that happened right here where I live.