
I’m interested to see what Jen Anniston is doing in 10 years and 20 years. In an industry that doesn’t have much time for women over 40 she’s kept going and looks like she will continue to do so. Probably because she doesn’t have a plan so she’s not thrown by something going wrong.

But oh man, having the time and money to spend three hours at the gym everyday with a personal trainer?

Out of your league, I am sure. It’s moot, because you couldn’t catch her.

Because it requires an investigation, trial, and conviction before you go to jail.

There is a troll posting graphic and violent images. Please skip the flagging (which will not do anything) and report it via email (comment form) via the link below (click on “email us”).

I sometimes think that people are so insistent that “she knew” or “he must have known” because it makes them feel more secure in their own situation.

This is a cat who just does not care.

Maybe she doesn’t see what her husband does as bullying. That’s just being a strong, powerful man who tells it like it is. If people don’t like it, it’s their fault. They should be okay about hearing the truth.

*sigh* ...still better than reading the troll’s posts...

She apparently.

This article repeatedly refers to the blackface wearing asshat as “he”, but according to this the offender is a “her”.

Slow your roll there, the movie doesn’t glaze over it in the slightest. They even make sure to show the Beast destroying more furniture and being a generally dangerous ass after Belle runs away.

You know, I really loved Belle as a child because I thought it was so brave of her to go and stay in the dungeon in her father’s place (because the cold and damp would have killed him). I also liked her no-nonsense attitude when it came to the beast (the scene when he tells her she has to come down and eat and she

In the Disney version, she seems to go her own way, reading and whatnot; and the Beast learns to adapt his behavior to suit her.

I always liked this Disney movie best as a child because I thought it promoted smart girls. It seemed like the Beast loved Belle because she was intelligent and well-read. Plus he let her go. Plus Belle didn’t end up with the hot jock. I dunno, for dorky, child me, this shit seemed to have a good message. But yeah,

I don’t care what my gingerbread latte is in, as long as I can have it.

I thought it was a bit unfair to have the upskirt photo. But then I saw her fucking a trash barrel and realized she probably doesn’t mind.

I agree 100%. I mean, there are worse things in the world than someone doing a lot of really nice things for charities and fans just to cultivate an image. Like people that intentionally cultivate the image of being an asshole, or people that are flat out assholes.

Did anyone say that either was morally wrong? It turns out that no one did. Either way, there’s a simple test for your theory. Do two things:

You forgot one...