
Yes, right, but there are plenty of these kids who can grow up much happier and better adjusted by having a high school experience that supports their talents, and that teaches regular academics in a way that is tailored to creative minds. Some square pegs will not fit in to a round hole no matter how hard you pound

And truthfully, middle school is a tough time for a lot of students, even those who end up ranking quite highly in their high school classes.

I don’t think they disregard academics, though. You still need to meet state academic requirements, so kids have to learn math and reading to even be given a HS diploma.

I know this doesn’t have anything to do with the story but am I the only one who feels like the constant ragging on his intelligence is incredibly rude? I don’t know, maybe it is just the way that I was brought up but you don’t pick on people because you think they are dumb. I don’t care if he is as dumb as a box of

Pastor Kioko added: “But we noticed the man was determined to leave. So it was agreed that they live in peace in their separate homes

Because she got third and because of the two per country was out. Sometines its hard to have a mask on. Im not going to get mad at her for not smiling all the time.

My 86 year old mother, who has dementia, has fixated on Katie Ledecky. She’s called me three times to ask if I saw her on TV. ‘Did you see that young lady all alone in the pool?’

Whoa whoa whoa. Dominate is a strong word. She’s going to politely defeat her opponents while apologizing for their loss, and then bake them all cookies.

correction: Kevin Durant met Katie Ledecky

I love that Kevin Durant is the one who posted the Instagram photo. One of my fave parts of the Olympics is seeing athletes from other sports watching events and cheering each other on.

But Canada got bronze! That’s just like gold to us!

.....Didn’t anyone watch how Tom and Lady Mary updated the estate on Downton Abbey????

Her damaged child who she abandoned

oh god, that’d be a completely different hat if it MATCHED someone’s genitalia

I alienated a bunch of my Facebook friends because I posted and article about how “toxins” are not a thing and you don’t need to cleanse after about the 15th person I went to high school with started selling some kind of wrap/vitamin/cleanse scammy product.

Yeah I’m in my 30s and I play Pokemon Go, but in like a “wander around on my lunch break” or “maybe I’ll take a walk around the neighborhood after work” kinda way.

In my field (a subfield of molecular biology) good papers in high impact journals routinely have 60-70 citations. It’s very typical that 5 or so are previous publications from that lab, and even more if it’s a lab that’s been around/high impact for years. E.g. I’m going to change the actual name for anonymity, but

I’m coming at this from a STEM side. I work on optical systems and when I write a paper about work I’ve done with a system I’ve written about before I cite that paper because it’s a way to link people to my prior explanation of how that whole thing goes about its business. Also, if I’ve written about code or a method

In academia, if you are referencing a published (Academic journals, books, film) or presented idea (Speeches, conference proceedings, etc), you need to cite it. If you are building off an idea you previously published on, you need to cite it.

To some extent it’s not really surprising because when plagiarism accusations start flying around they can include self-plagiarism. You’re not supposed to substantially repeat something you said somewhere else without citing to it.