
What question was she asked when providing that response? It may have been “How do you feel about the student who did this?” not “Do you think he should be punished or not?”

For their part, the Union County School district maintains that the subject of the photograph is not the problem, rather their objection is to Arthur’s improper supervision of her private property.

Yeah, it’s almost as if his abilities as a clockmaker weren’t as important as the mistreatment he received from his school and the local police, huh? Like his story wasn’t so much about engineering as it was bigotry?

As for Qatar, you’re right that it’s a pretty terrible place but tens of thousands of other Americans

People calling it Shark Week always confuses me! I end up taking it literally and then I get all mixed up. It ends up taking me a minute to understand what someone’s actually talking about.

Plot twist: your coworker was menstruating, but she’s also a werewolf.

Wait, blackberries are supposed to be a problem?!

I have to laugh, honestly. I’m on a forum with other women giving birth the same month as I am (September) and SO MANY come on there going “OMG I caved and ate a Subway sub! I’m worried I hurt my baby!”. I mean, I get doing the best you can but this is just ridiculous.

The whole “better safe than sorry” vein of “helpful” pregnancy advice is the bane of my 14-weeks-pregnant existence. I swear these people won’t be happy until I’m just going through life living off of kale and surrounded by bubble wrap. Fuck em, I say, and then I eat prosciutto and blackberries for breakfast.

Ah. That is EXTRA shitty that it was more like “American Idol” than an actual, fairly judged competition: “Which kid seem the most like a scientist?

*IF* the judging of the competition was done blind (that is, the judges did not see the competitors or the competitor’s name in relation to the project being judged, and did not know the gender of the competitors) - then I think this is fine. On an even playing field, women can win on the merits - NO PROBLEM. They

Again not saying racism doesn’t exist. But I do wonder if blacks have told themselves that they are oppressed so much that they begin to believe those thoughts.

It’s about time someone thought of this. So many fatherless babies are strutting around like they own the damn place. Got to shut that shit down.

Because “All Lives Matter” really means “I don’t get the point of “Black Lives Matter” and I’m a racist dick about it”

That’s like the difference between saying “Fuck cancer” and “fuck all diseases”. One highlights a specific issue/cause, one means next to nothing.

How many times do people need to be told that the inherent implication behind black lives matter IS all lives matter?!?!

What actress shows up that unkempt to promote her work though?

I’m glad Colbert called him out, why do actresses have to go all out and be glam while actors get to go to premieres/talk shows dressed like they’re gonna take out the trash.

It really bothers me how slovenly men get away with dressing for their promo work. Could you imagine if a woman dressed like that? You are working right now Casey. This is literally your job.

I take offense to your harried, low-ranking adjunct professor comment. I am a harried low-ranking adjunct and I always show up well-groomed! I admit that my dad is a retired tenured professor who often looked like that in his younger days.

I couldn’t make it through the interview because of how testy it was. Casey Affleck just was not having it at all. He seemed to be closed off before the interview even started.

Well I was more looking for women (which this site mostly is) who may have gotten the vaccine later than the suggested age and had positive results. My doctor told me I'm to old for it to matter. While I looks r another doctor because I'm not fond of him anyway, what's the harm in getting opinions from other people