
I agree that it’s unenlightened to make fun of common congenital abnormalities, despite the atrocious human allegedly connected to this one. I also think this Jez post is suggesting that a male genital defect somehow contributes to genocidal, megalomaniacal tendencies...nope, I can’t jump on board with that either.

I honestly think human babies are some of the least-cute mammal babies. Sometimes I feel like a robot when people are like, “Oh, aren’t you the cutest thing!” to a baby and I’m like, excuse me, have you literally never seen a puppy?

All babies are cute. It’s evolution’s way of making sure they survive through infancy.

Good thing, then, that the author is not behaving as if it’s simple: “I never once took that choice lightly. No regrets is not the same thing as no questions, or no struggles, or no mute minutes lost in thought . . .”

Oh, my goodness. I could gaze at this photo all day long! The stories behind each one of those father-daughter duos, and the moms would be mind blowing. I agree with the other poster, how about some Hollywood stories about black Americans that don’t require us to drive you, serve you or get unnescessarily shot, beat

That’s fine. My neighbor genuinely believes it is the killing of human life, abhors it and she makes no concessions for how that fetus was conceived. I can respect that, even though I don’t agree with her.

I love it when fence-sitters like you try very earnestly to explain that some people sincerely believe abortion is murder. You’re like the apologist who insists that more people would embrace Christianity if they just knew all the cool stuff Jesus said, like that shit is some well-kept secret. WE FUCKING GET IT. THE

You actually don’t sound undecided at all.

Also, can we talk about just how difficult it is to actually manage “perfect use?” I take the combination pill, mostly because it is, in my mind, more controllable than an implant or an IUD. I think I’m pretty good with it- I skip or am late on maybe 2-3 days a year, and I always take the extra pill as soon as I

Hell yeah. Women’s bodies are so different, and what works for onr woman might not work for another. Some women can get pregnant at the drop of a hat, whereas some struggle with infertility their entire adult lives. It’s frustrating to talk to people who say things like, “Well, -I- never had an unplanned pregnancy

“I shouldn’t have to see the pain, struggle, and despair of homeless people to and from my way to work every day.”

Oh, naturopathy and alternative medicine? No worries then... a total lack of experience may actually make him less likely to kill his patients than anyone else in that field.

They don’t control sex. They control access to their own fucking bodies, just as men do for their own fucking bodies.

Slowly making progress on internalized misogyny: it’s better than nothing!

This is such fucking bullshit and I’m really tired of seeing it all over the place.

“Yeezus, can you just give it a west already” said Taylor, swiftly.

It takes very little restraint to avoid discussing one’s family in a professional environment. It is reasonable that an employee refrain from discussing personal matters on company time.

It is dishonest to not mention your parents are rich and had servants. Please include this information in your narrative going forward.

You know, you keep saying this advice is “effective,” but you are repeating it secondhand from your mom, who was raising children in a different era — treating anecdote and opinion as time-tested fact. My mother’s experience (in the same era!) is no less true or valid than that of yours; my mother’s advice could not

Shhhhh, Bears! Do you have any idea how long women’s bathroom lines already are? If people start fucking in there I’ll have to wear Depends to the club.