I didn’t realize I was depressed for a while—I thought of myself as stressed or busy. I was tired and lethargic, but attributed it to allergies, or maybe I was fighting off a little cold or something.
I know. It’s so sad they can only care about one thing. I’m sure it’s not like any of these thousands of women are simultaneously upset that they are out the money then spent/have to scramble to find another dress AND also politically active.
I know. It’s so sad they can only care about one thing. I’m sure it’s not like any of these thousands of women are simultaneously upset that they are out the money then spent/have to scramble to find another dress AND also politically active.
That’s actually the one thing I don’t find repulsive. I plan on naming my (potential, future) child my maiden name.* No one with my last name is famous or “important,” but I really love it and am sad it is being lost.
That’s actually the one thing I don’t find repulsive. I plan on naming my (potential, future) child my maiden name.* No one with my last name is famous or “important,” but I really love it and am sad it is being lost.
How, how, HOW did I not see this until now? Love how Reggie is just so content getting his belly scratched at the beginning. Also, when he walks away and she says, “SOMEone doesn’t care about science.”
Double post
Ugh, I feel weird about how much I like Jenny Slate. I followed her on Twitter because she’s funny and I figured her tweets would give me a good laugh now and then...but, I just find her very, I don’t know, genuine and good? I feel like if I saw her on the street I would accidentally act like we were old pals.
Me too! I still can’t get over it. Glad to know I’m not the only one.
I’ve noticed that people who say that “boys/girls are so much easier to raise than girls/boys” ...... have multiples but the first gender they mention as being harder is their firstborn.
I mean, obviously the whole thing is ridiculous, but this:
I’ve told this story on here before, but...
she was incredulous - who would forget a child etc -
They do.
What a good kid! I had never heard that story from my dad until this Thanksgiving (I’m 31). It’s clear he was still kind of shaken up about what could have happened.
That’s true, I think many kids have a tendency to fall asleep in the car though (at least according to the Facebook pictures posted by my many children-having-friends).
Oh yeah, totally not excusing this guy, because he totally did it on purpose, which is so unthinkably terrible.
I don’t have kids yet, but it is a fear of mine. I’ve read all the tips and tricks about how to prevent it (always putting your purse or briefcase in the backseat, etc), because I do stuff like this all the time. I’ll get part way to work and realize “Uh, I’m actually going to the grocery store, which is in the other…
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