I mean, in a philosophical and political sense, they already have that.
I mean, in a philosophical and political sense, they already have that.
The Villages is my idea of literal hell on Earth.
Game Mill. It’s literally in the name.
This happened to my glorious, late E550 V8. I replaced it with a tuned Audi A6 3.0t. It’s been fantastic, but I still miss that 5.5 liter v8 rumble.
Stay classy, Baltimore.
I remember wanting that Claw car so badly as a kid.
Those benefits vary wildly depending on the kind of employee you are.
“Can you believe that? It’s like they only see players as walking wallets!” Can you believe that? It’s like they only see players as walking wallets!”
It’s a testament to the Fit that the driver and passenger survived this at all.
As a former Fit owner and (still) a Fit aficionado, I was gonna say- for all their qualities, they are not, uh, fast cars.
Y’all seem to not understand that this is exactly the reaction he wanted. Christ.
If you are driving a 2005-2010 Nissan Altima, there is an 80% chance that:
Right up until you plow into them.
This is perhaps the most American thing that New Zealand has ever done.
A rider near where I live t-boned a minivan while doing 120mph a few years ago. The rider was killed instantly, but the impact was hard enough to topple the minivan and send the occupants, a mom and two small girls, to the hospital with serious injuries.
Yup, I was wrong about maintenance. And your Tesla is actually the perfect example of the kinds of EVs we need- lower cost, reliable, and available to (almost) everyone.
Or a younger guy who’s done the same and has all the records, yes.