
“but what about rap!!!” is probably the funniest response racists have to this whole thing.

Found him a new sponsor:

I missed the part where it’s going to be an active lifestyle crossover with an available EV version.

“I hit stupid orange cones all the time, ON PURPOSE, because, like Elon, I realize they serve no useful purpose except to hold back a multitide ofimbeciles like you, sitting in your cars, slaves to one stupid little orange cone.”

AntiFashGordon has a pinned tweet about Boston Straight Pride’s “security” team, and one of the members of the team’s name is... I’m not kidding here...

And if you don’t remember to clean your roof off, conveniently you’ll get pulled over and the officer will make you do it right then while writing you a ticket. So then you don’t have to worry about it not being cleaned off by the time you get to your destination and need to use it.

Part of that is obviously that you should be clearing your whole roof of snow before driving anyway, but it could still fog over or develop a problem even while driving.  I feel like any device that takes the place of a mirror or window is going to ultimately need a defroster or wiper equivalent to keep it clear.

You’re supposed to clean the snow off your car before you drive it, sooo...

This comment section is going to be a shit show. 

Lighten up Francis, leaving a dog unattended in a climate-controlled environment is not “shitty”. The dog is comfortable, it’s no more shitty than leaving the dog at home, less so actually. I’ll speak for my dog and say she would prefer to come with me and chill (literally) for a minute while I run in the store than

Another great way to increase usable rear load space, the Hennessy 6x6 conversion:

And now what do you have? An isosceles triangle topper

This is my Trumper uncle’s emails. Imagine the stuff he could ruin and race wars he could start if he only had access to billions of dollars.

Damn, I love her! Long time coming.

He won’t, but cool fever dream bro.

Wow! That’s some serious white fragility on display there. I’m surprised it hasn’t devolved into froth-mouthed yelling of racial slurs.

We do this too - every public organisation, every school, every event. If they’re available and want to participate, an elder may come and speak, to remind everyone, in unflinching and blunt terms, what was done to the Indigenous Peoples and what continues to be done to them. It’s not a lot (it’s literally the most

We do that in Canada for most events. Certainly all government events. It’s not much relatively - we have SO MUCH more of real, tangible action to do - but it bears repeating until even those with hands in their ears finally hear it.