
it’s 2 am, don’t you have to be in homeroom by like 830?

From the title on down, this article is pure poetry. 

the Dora Milaje School for Wishing a Motherfucker Would.

I am offended by that insinuation!

Were you high when you watched it? Because this column feels like the result of having watched it high.

Have a star, please

Looks like many of the Dodgey bits have been removed.

I’ve owned Stan Smith’s for nearly 30 years - always in style.  I would splurge on some of these other ones if I had the dough (the Greats Royale looks great) but I simply find myself buying a pair of Stan Smiths, Sambas, or Gazelles whenever I need a new pair of basic sneaks.

I’ve owned Stan Smith’s for nearly 30 years - always in style.  I would splurge on some of these other ones if I had

Wow, all of these are ugly except the vans

Wow, all of these are ugly except the vans

That’s... wait, what? That’s an impressive leap of logic.

Why people slept on Pusha T, I’ll never know.

Oh now it’s okay to kill Baby

This is less for Trump and more directly for our media to stop spewing the same both sides shit. By putting what he said in writing on their video no one can sound bite the part they want.

Even the RV-2 is horrified at the idea of itself..


A quote from his Twitter page:

Everyone should go and write insults in Spanish.

Dat hood ornament tho, its like a gun ironsight to aim at the poor people your one percent self will hit