
last week i fell out of the shower trying to pick up the bar of soap. i’ve also fallen down stairs, off curbs, tripped on completely even carpet, walk into wall corners more often than is probably normal...i think my boyfriend holds my hand when we walk more to prevent me from falling down, than out of a desire to

what the fuck no stop it!

note the shithead edited his stupid post.


i knew it would only take minutes for one of you assholes to emerge.

can we talk about how tired and obnoxious the stupid expression is in the picture on the left? i’m BEYOND tired of seeing stupid kids posting selfies like that and thinking it’s cute. it’s not.

many many years ago, i worked for a company where we had to do that. i was scraping every cent i could scrounge to buy christmas presents for my immediate family only, and i had to cough up $20 to give our multi-millionaire CEO a gift that he didn’t give two shits about. they’d also make a big show of everyone getting

how big was her purse??

i wasn’t just being flippant; i’ve been pregnant and now have an 18 year old. i also wasn’t promoting any kind of ‘drop a baby get back to work culture,’ so i think you’re taking what i said to an extreme. i don’t think being pregnant should be treated as a disability, because it’s not. yes, you need extra rest and

well, the way FMLA leave works is that it can be before or after. it can accommodate if a woman needs to be on bed rest or has to take time off for appointments/procedures/whatever.


yes! though i find it funny no one pointed out that “when his wife is pregnant” isn’t usually how it works...normally the leave needs to be taken after the baby is born.

“So sorry I offended you- not.”

i reject this totally. i refuse to believe that was a real wedding and those are real people.

i literally just snorted and spit carrot onto my monitor.

burrito bowl.

i saw something about this and my only interest was in making sure it wasn’t anywhere in california and then the boyfriend and i promptly headed out to chipotle for dinner as planned.

neither does spock. heyo!