
i just posted about them! thankfully i live in burbank :)

a great small brand that is keeping this vintage feel alive is Besame Cosmetics. all of their products are packaged in retro style cases/tubes and they are really high quality. they are available on Sephora’s website, but they have a little shop in burbank, CA. i ADORE them.

it IS! :) i’m turning 40 in just a few short months.

i read it as HOO. :| i would end up going to jail for murder if i found even one pair of dirty socks on the coffee table.

i got the joke. do i get to be ungreyed now?

that was my first reaction too, so you’re in good/bad company

i think they’re shaped like any heeled boot inside, so the foot would be inside it more or less the way it would be in any (absurdly tall) heel.

me either and i refuse to google it!

you mean the mercury that isn’t in vaccines anymore?


that wasn’t guacamole, that was vomit.


you know nothing.

remember that side-eye worthy awards speech he gave where he talked about how much hard work it was to be married?

This 3D! It’s like he’s coming right at on me!’s just porn?

i like that i read that like an old man with a horn up to his ear, yelling at kids on his lawn.

oh my GOD, my boyfriend and i were so confused last night, trying to make sense of the dialogue. i turned down my air conditioning, the tv was nearly at full blast, then the bass when music came on was making the sound all fuzzy and i was feeling like i was losing my goddamned hearing. i thought it was either that or