
oh DAMN. i love your grandpa, too.

that same realization happened to me recently so i know exactly what you're going through ( i think). it took me almost 20 years to realize that something that happened to me was sexual assault and not just a college friend 'being funny'. how sad is that? i'm happy to listen if you want to talk to an actually

i'm so sorry you had to go through that. i'm sorry you (and so many of us) are put in the position of having to tell a deeply personal story to try and illustrate to ignorant assholes who just can't fucking listen that these things are real issues.

'cause we all know how often rape cases end up actually going to court. and we all know how often men are actually convicted of rape, much less wrongly convicted. and we know how well women fare when they go to the authorities when they've been raped.

thank you, now i want to die. after i vomit everything i ate today.

now, people get paid to do that on the internets! everybody wins!

he needs to learn proper wand handling.

yes. i read it. and you then said, "but it may be her fault for putting herself in a dangerous situation..." you're still a piece of shit if you don't see why that's wrong.


i've read that wasn't actually a real thing.

i'm in california and a girl i know in washington (STATE) had opinions, based on reddit posts, about how the media was just blowing things out of proportion and pointed out that the poor cops were being overworked and working really long days to combat all the violent the rioters and looters. i wanted to reach

i always say i will be with at&t until the end of time because of my grandfathered-in unlimited data plan. that plan will be pried from my cold, dead, still-clutching-my-phone hands.

this is why i hate this campaign. i love that they're getting a ton of money and i'm all for philanthropy, but i will not be guilted into sending a check to a charitable organization of someone else's choice, nor will i post a stupid internet video dousing myself in ice water. nor will i do both. i donate money to

it's only free-range if you're not brown.

thank you, baby jesus. my british boyfriends can fight all they want as long as they keep purring in my ear. be still my exploding ovaries!

goat outta here

maybe their parents just steer them in the right direction

yes, because it was changed.

as others have said, she's MEXICAN. also also, she's always been incredibly slender and the rumor has always been that she had ribs removed to be so thin. troll on, thalia!

i was just coming here to say that! not sure where they got 'Filipino soap star'.