yeah, i'm gonna go back to the grays, but i'm kind of ok with it. it's a little annoying, but nowhere near what it must be like to deal with these awful gifs.
yeah, i'm gonna go back to the grays, but i'm kind of ok with it. it's a little annoying, but nowhere near what it must be like to deal with these awful gifs.
something similar happened to me sunday night and both my boyfriend and my female friend who came with us didn't understand why i was bothered. we were at someone's show and had all access passes. we walked back stage at one point and i was a couple steps ahead of them. as i passed, the security guy said to the…
well, considering that's all you referenced...
omg, hyperbole! won't someone think of the literalists?!
oh man i can't believe i forgot about this one. so there was this guy Dan (totally his real name) i had met via friendster (i know.) and then we became myspace friends when that became a thing. we used to email and im all the time, but we lived a fair distance apart and could never quite make a drinks meetup happen.…
are they teenagers? i'm asking seriously. my daughter is 17 and generally a nice kid and adults love her, but she CAN be an asshole sometimes. i am around lots of other kids her age on a regular basis and i know some of them have relatively terrible parents, but i know some of them have great parents and they still…
do you have kids? i am honestly guessing you don't. you can do your best, but teenagers can be big assholes no matter what you do as a parent.
if i went into a job interview and they asked me about a post MY MOM MADE ON FACEBOOK i wouldn't want to work there.
but i guess you have something handy to massage out the kinks when your neck gets tired?
uh, what burn? i already handle my own shit without following dumb advice.
oh sweet jesus, really?? i know some people are kinda batshit, but i would never have thought restraining order worthy. DAMN.
nope. we don't. i love disney stuff, but not this nonsense.
let's be friends
I think you spend too much time staring into work refrigerators.
breast milk is food. you don't like seeing food mixed in with other uh, food in the office fridge? you do realize the breast milk is in a container and not just dribbling willy nilly all over your delicate turkey sandwich, right?
wtf, the mere sight of them offends your delicate sensibilities?
#notalltwitters right?
so did he!