
This “issue” in particular fascinates me because Peter’s face barely even appears in the game. How did anyone get so attached to warrant this level of annoyance?

It’s how Matt Berry pronounces his favorite Stallone movie.

This sure is one of the games of all time 

The most amazing part is that this is the best it’s *ever* been.

More bugs:

Kissing inevitably leads to this conversation:

You know, when you respond to a site doing something you like by yelling at it for the things you don’t like, you... well, you don’t come off well.

Push button start and the new keyless entry (where you just touch the door handle to lock and unlock) are the best features added to cars in decades.

This is a meme-worthy response.
You know what Go needs? Dice
You know what Tetris needs? Dice
You know what tennis needs? Dice
You know what League of Legends needs? Dice
You know what political elections need? Dice
You know what Counter-Strike needs? D I C E

Hey, then you know something? You could just not fucking click on it and move on with your life like I do when a pokemon article pops up. Problem fucking solved homeboy!

I would play Bastion before Transistor 

And I just learned something new about fabric today... 

Do you not treat your rubber? I take a paper towel, and some cleaner and clean them, then take some Armor All and wipe them down to keep them pliable...

Cool. Thanks for the update. 👍

Fuck off with the transphobia 

The UAW is only concerned with keeping them employed.  Not their conduct or performance.  

A bit of Context here. In earlier times, us Germans used the word “Großraumlimousine” (which literally translates to Large Space Limousine) to refer to Minivans, before anglicisms such as “Van” became more common (In other news, in the german language Limousine refers to a Sedan). The V-Class line meanwhile is split

I’ve tried. They bitch and moan about friends lists, or other features of steam they think are important. And i’m over here, like you, wondering what the big deal is.

<whispered> “They took my babies...”

I read that as Barry from Archer.*