
Oh damn those are tiny, nice catch.

Oh damn those are tiny, nice catch.

You contemptible jerk.

So, uh, i dont know, maybe pick it up and lean it against something and continue on your way?  Throwing it in the river is really the best course of action?  The fuck is wrong with you?

Hot take incoming:

Please settle a debate: Is Back to the Future a sci-fi movie?

“Relatively well” is still better than humans.

Sounds like that’s why you’re not working on the software for self-driving cars.

I trust jumbled mess code more than 90% of human drivers on the road right now.

Yeah, do these naysayers really think a self-driving car is going to be programmed to go “well, I’m completely blind, but I guess I’ll just drive anyway and see what happens!”


Doom 3: after sneaking through this hellish facility for hours and only surviving by the skin of my teeth, I entered a room, turned to look at the wall and freaked out at my own reflection in a mirror and shot all of the ammo in my clip at it.

You are entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location. The kind of place where there might be a monster, or some kind of weird mirror. These are just examples; it could also be something much better. Prepare to enter: The Scary Door.

Sounds more like you’re saying neverspeakawordagain isn’t correct, and that it’s the suburbs that are terrible - which is actually far closer to the truth. I work elbows deep in the data that’s helping get Detroit to a better position, and I can say empirically that it’s far better than that guy thinks. Hell, it’s far

You’re not wrong about that, but it’s not that Detroit is a terrible city—it’s that the people in the Detroit suburbs are terrible, especially when it comes to greater integration with the city. Because they’re racists. I mean, not all of them, obviously, but enough that it’s a huge issue.

Detroit, as a city, is so

BLIZZARD: Hey, while the cake is baking, we got the guy next door to make you some surprise cookies!

Yeah, this is making me ashamed to be a gamer. It is just flat out embarrassing.

Say what you want about Amazon, but using that still image from the video out of context, especially considering the title of this a really shitty and unethical thing to do. Be better.

Oof. Agreed. I looked to the 9 / 26 post...