
I am

This just in: Gamers Don’t Like A Thing.

While your market analogy is sound, it’s not true that Ford doesn’t have autonomous tech. Ford has a very functional autonomous tech - it’s just not made by the ‘best of the best’. (Also, they’re not idiots - they don’t ‘wonder why’ the best talent goes to Google... they know why, they just can’t do anything about

Yeah, you made a terrible show of thinking with logic and not emotions in this post.

What stuck me for a while was thinking I had to have a totem to play totemic might. Oops.

My thought? The move is super-fucking-mega-cool, but not seen as “tough” enough for the male brawler protagonists. Since it’s a guaranteed kick-ass scene that can only be done by the ONE female fighter we usually have in an action film, it becomes a go-to move.

I’m curious about FFXV, since I had such a different take on it than most comments I read.

It’s censorship if Blizzard’s desire to publish the comic was prevented by the law. It’s localization if Blizzard would have removed the comic anyway.

What I don’t get is that so many people are saying “nobody cares that she’s gay” RIGHT NEXT TO comments about people who really like that they revealed she’s gay. Lots of people care. Lots of people like it. Why are we just... pretending those people don’t exist? If you don’t care, why do you ACTIVELY want other

I think it’s a great opportunity to define ‘good guys’ and how to have courage. Ask the kids “who was the good guy? why is that? why do you think the good guys still fight when the bad guys have that huge death star?”

I think the major changeover will be once safety statistics come out, and folks will be looking for cars for their 16 year old kids.

I feel like I live on a different planet. I wanted so badly to like it, but honestly, I spent 40 hours doing other peoples’ chores, and like 6 hours saving the world.

I feel like I live on a different planet. I wanted so badly to like it, but honestly, I spent 40 hours doing other

Shakespeare fans (in general) act like adults and not spoiled children who throw a tantrum every time they don’t get exactly what they felt they deserved... “Gamers” on the other hand...

Regardless of who is actually ‘charged the delivery fee,’ microeconomics always determines who ‘eats’ the cost. Let’s say I’m a manufacturer in a competitive market, and my product gets a lot heavier and more costly to ship. If my retailer customer still cannot find a better deal even though I raised the shipping fee,

This is a giant semantics debate. Religion or faith in itself is not harmful. There are many harmful applications of religion, and there are many perfectly benign applications of religion.

I actually have a more optimistic hope for this election. The GOP really doubled-down on the crazy white men demographic, and they’re going to get *crushed*. A devastating defeat might be the kick in the ass the Republicans need to remember that small government, fiscal conservatism, and holistic economy is the


Ok - it sounds to me like the total impact to your life was around $20-30. Your response is calm and measured, but so many people are losing it.

I’m with you on that second paragraph. I rarely even admit that I play games. It sucks to have to hide my favorite hobby from the world, but, let’s be honest here - the community regularly embarrasses itself with its misplaced rage. It only took one ‘gamergate’ to tell me that I do not want to be associated with that

I think most arguing the “it’s just a game, get over it” point agree with you. From my perspective, I don’t think people have ‘no’ right to be angry. I think that there is a reasonable level of anger, and what we keep seeing from the community is a bizarre and massive overreaction.