
These laws are often designed to prevent voter intimidation. Your vote is private specifically so you can vote your conscience without fear of retribution (from either side).

Calling them ‘dumb’ is not doing the problem justice. You don’t think they know this is a joke? They know it’s a joke, and they don’t care. They know people will believe it, and it’ll be the most effective way to weaken a Clinton White House.

I don’t recognize the country YOU think America is. America is special because we defend each others’ rights. We believe that ‘all men are created equal.’ We think that ‘Hasid’ has just as much right to the American dream - to live, work, and pray the way he wants, as ‘Tom’ does.

There are many functions of a headline, and many motivations to write one. One function is to clearly and accurately convey information about a news event. Here, the headline fails; the information provided is either not clear, or is not accurate.

Or better yet, some are for kids, and some aren’t! No need to make it binary.

It’s possible that an autonomous vehicle could, in time, be programmed to make those adjustments! The autonomous vehicle needs not make any assumption of other vehicles. It could, in time, be programmed to see that another car is not slowing, calculate the impact point, and choose a safe place to go in order to avoid

Every inference made by this article is a mess - BUT, it does tell the story people like to read, and it’s infuriating to read a technology blog pander to a patently misleading interpretation of this event.

Mass Effect is a great example of a theory I’ve had lately: The better a game is, the more ridiculous and virulent the criticism is.

World of Warcraft. Ridiculously simple early game, and every level adds 1 or 2 things to learn, giving you a natural, slow learning curve. Failure is not punished much at all. In-game chat help for shit they don’t understand (if you have a nice guild).

I disagree with the backlash on the scene, and not because “boo hoo get over it.” I thought they did a good job of portraying rape as the worst, inhuman, sinister, god-awful bullshit that only a truly maniacal monster could put on another person. There was no ‘glorification;’ only a sick feeling of pure evil.

Ugh, I agree with you and I still hate the way you present your argument. It is certainly NOT a fact. You find it not fun, as do I; but I’m not arrogant enough to pretend that my experience is “the right one.”

I agree with Turton. How does what he said translate to “Get off your phones”?? He says true happiness isn’t found in an app, not “Don’t use apps.”

Don’t judge Detroit just by what you hear on the news. We’re on our way back from the brink, and stuff is actually getting pretty cool here!

Wow, not one person commented that they did this in a university, and if you find a flash drive, it’s more likely that someone just lost their term paper than that some asshole is spreading viruses around.

You know what else is a good delivery vehicle? Cars. Or trains, or a potato gun, or a frisbee. If someone wants to put ebola on me, they’re gonna do it. What’s the point of worrying about it all the time with every new thing that comes out?

THE HP LASERJET 4. It STILL works every time!

THE HP LASERJET 4. It STILL works every time!

Ok nerds: grammar debate:

I play around with this stuff because it’s neat and fun - not really to get a ‘net benefit’ out of it. It’s kind of like a hobby, I guess? I suspect early adopter-types are similar.

Hey, I completely agree with your stance on guns. I think a doctor should absolutely be able to say “do not bring your gun to my office.” And like I said, I’m even OK with a doctor having a specific ruleset, as long as it was defined by science and medicine. Being anti-gun is political. Being anti-accident hazard

Wow, though I’m very anti-gun, I strongly disagree with #1 here. That’s waaaaay too political and not health-related at all. If we want to force doctors to give out birth control even if they don’t believe in it religiously/politically (we do!), then we shouldn’t let them take other political, non-medical stances as