
There’s a difference between saying “The current pace of social expansion is not sustainable, and therefore not best for the American public” and “Well what about ME!?”

Hm. I had a hard time with this article. It’s supposed to be a hit piece on Kartsotis, but as a Detroiter I couldn’t help but read some (likely unintentional) shade on the city too. The author plays the “how dare you cash in on Detroit’s story” card while actually dismissing anything good for the city. How is it that

I think the point of the article is that the global food narrative is changing. Everyone has heard Mom say “eat your food, there are starving people in Africa,” but maybe it’s time for Moms to say “eat your vegetables, there are kids in Detroit who can only afford Banquet chicken nuggets” too.

The point you missed is that the message “Take responsibility for yourselves” cannot be privatized. It’s not in the economy’s best interest. The economy wants you to become a fat piece of shit because that is the most efficient food to produce.

You can tell a lot of about someone by their reaction to telling them that you’re helping someone else.
If the first reaction is “Well what about ME!?”, you’re probably not talking to a very nice person.

Playing video games is my #1 hobby. This bullshit is the reason I would never call myself a ‘gamer,’ would never admit my hobby to strangers, and could never be proud of game culture.

I’d say do both. The campaign and end-game are two completely different games. The campaign is a fun, iterative hack and slash, the endgame is a mindless but fun slot machine. Get a power-level to 70 so you can do endgame stuff, but also make a level 1 and go through the game solo, because it’s really fun.

Needless complexity is usually caused by unskilled devs. It’s not that they’re throwing cycles at the problem, it’s that they don’t know how to do it right. But not every page can afford the GOOD nerds, sometimes you have to hire the cheap nerds (hey, nerds gotta learn). Upping the efficiency for poorly coded pages

Damn, man. They’re human beings and goddamn heroes. I’m happy to pay another $0.02 in taxes to give them a bit of fun. Plus the video gets hits on the internet and sparks the public’s interest in space. Small price to pay.

And the music is so good!

I’m not a big anime person and I really, *really* liked Attack on Titan.

I’ll tell you what worked perfectly for me. It’s similar to the evil box, except the evil box doesn’t address the main issue (for me) - swearing is a physical response, not a mental one. I used to swear not because I thought “hey, saying a bad word sounds like a good idea right now,” - it came out as an automatic

Haven’t you heard? Hating stuff is SO in right now.

I wonder what it is about infidelity that brings so many children with black-and-white attitudes coming to judge others on complicated problems.

I agree with you only if you grant that superior visuals = art direction times quality of execution of art direction, NOT ‘how realistic/graphics-heavy’ the game is. If Binding of Isaac or Bastion looked photo-realistic they’d be much worse games. On that same point, if the environments in Dragon Age: Inquisition


I disagree a little that it doesn’t teach you anything about prisons. The for-profit system does have a little of the “Papers Please” style of showing you that a broken system almost forces you into bad behaviors. For example, once my “license plates and beds” workshops really became profitable, I found myself taking

It’s almost as if that’s how every language has always worked in the history of language. For soothe.

It’s worth noting that several of the issues addressed here did not occur in the book. As far as I remember, the “Iron Man” move was discussed as a joke but not attempted, Lewis did not catch Watney herself, the ‘space walk around the ship’ was done as an emergency on-the-fly plan rather than a standard way to get

I generally hate ‘puzzle breaker’ comments - the people who disobey the spirit of the puzzle in order to make it more complicated or pedantic... but I gotta admit, I was impressed by this answer. Nice one!