
Am I the only person who has never had a real problem with the TSA? I mean, waiting in line blows, but the TSA folks have never been anything other than polite and professional to me. Even when they had to check my shit because of something clearly my fault (forgot to take out a hair gel tube), I was nice to them,

Not super long (which is why we’re all excited about the expansion!). About 8 hours, more if you like to hunt around for the 100% completion

It’s legitimately worth money. I would buy it again, even at full price

If you like platformers, Ori was phenomenal. Beautiful to look at, amazing music, fantastic gameplay. So great.

Can we just address this line?

This is the exact reason I don’t let my acquaintances know I play video games.

The rage all makes sense to me, considering the source. The League of Legends community is The Worst Gaming Community Ever.

I think that’s less about a problem with Early Access and more about the customer’s attitude about Early Access. I think Early Access can be a great thing, and it still should be supported, but I think MOST people who buy it shouldn’t because they have the wrong expectations.

I’m with the non-asshole dissenting opinions here. There’s nothing wrong with your preference, but, we have to give developers the freedom to make THEIR game, without generalizing everything down to suit all players. They’ve decided a neat/cool/fun feature of Rust will be loss of control over identity. That’s their

I don’t understand these comments. If I was in the market for ‘real chicken parmigiana,’ I’d go get that. Nobody is mistaking this wonderful abomination as a substitute for ‘real chicken parmigiana.’

Technically we’ve had the man in front for 11 years. So “fair” would be the woman in front for 11 years, then put them equal side-by-side, eh?

I didn’t cry, but I understand the people who did because I’m a human being with empathy. Watching the trailer made me feel like a kid again, which was fun. People being happy is nice. It takes a bizarre sort of sadist to shit on someone just for being happy.

I’m a “don’t have anything to hide” person, but I still care about the appropriate use of technology. I’m not afraid of our (the US) government tracking me, as long as it’s used to enforce laws that make sense, with fair punishments, with trials by jury, etc. Police tech continues to evolve and that’s a good thing -

My 6-speed disagrees with the title of this puzzle.

I’m confused. How is “died by suicide” any less the “TRUTH” than “killed herself”? The only difference is, “died by suicide” tells the facts as neutrally and simply as possible, leaving you to draw your own conclusions about those facts. If you think suicide is cowardly and wrong, or tragic and blameless, or whatever

Why not both?

Nobody takes you seriously when you lash out.

I’m saying coincidence. Does Dinklage really want to remind people that he voice acted the ghost in Destiny?

I hear you. I spend a huge amount of my free time playing games, and have since I was little. I’m 30 now, and I REFUSE to let people describe me as a gamer.

Hey, you - all you out there! STOP LIKING THINGS I DONT LIKE