
My girlfriend’s brother in Missouri is a high school science teacher making 35k.

Where one could argue HOTS is a better value because of this, what I don’t understand is the player anger level. If the players think the recolors are too expensive, they simply shouldn’t buy them - the game isn’t ANY worse if you choose not to do so!

Don't forget that being a dick to your opponent is emerging as a celebrated culture. Going for 'maximum disrespect' a la Trick2g is somehow 'cool' or 'funny' now instead of just bad sportsmanship.

"The study claims that 2.28 per cent of the male population have an abnormally small penis and 2.28 per cent have an unusually large one. Here, 'abnormal' was classified as 2 standard deviations above or below the mean."

Stories like this are the reason I refuse to identify myself as a "gamer." I tend to make up hobbies when talking to strangers so I don't risk them associating me with these people


Once erotic anime, like hentai, started floating around, it changed the public perception of anime fans. According to some people, anime is just a thing for perverts—but that's not the case at all. Essentially, people started using anime as a way to be racist to Japanese people.

I disagree that the future predicted by those in 1950 was ludicrously more advanced than our world today. They just didn't guess correctly to which areas we would advance.

Or you could pay for the things you buy like an adult!

Why are we yelling? There's no need.

The 'zero' pirates ARE risking another tactic - they're voting NO. They lose the vote in the first round.

You can't place yourself in the situation and still fit the puzzle. Why? Because you're a human being, and therefore not rational.

You're missing the definition of rational. The puzzle specifically states that they know everyone else is rational - this means there is no risk. Each pirate is guaranteed to make a proposal they know will succeed, but gives them the most money (and, all things being equal, they'd like to kill somebody). There is no

You're clearly turning this into a semantics debate. Your opponents are arguing that "yelling at" and "chewing out" are forms of communication that are meant to be emotional (angry) and punitive, not helpful. If you don't see that there is a wide berth between "helpful" communication and punitive communication, you're

They further explain in the article that you can cheat in offline mode by:

I agree with the others commenting - Origin isn't the worst (anymore). It doesn't hurt anything by having it on your PC. I strongly, strongly prefer Steam, but while I once was a "you won't find Origin on MY computer" kind of person, my recent foray into Origin left me saying surprisingly un-pissed-off. It downloads

It's too late and it doesn't matter what you 'refuse' to do. They've already won. If you don't want a movement that can be co-opted by these assholes, then you need better leadership.

lol @ folks frowning on leechers. I guess there is honor among thieves.

I only liked it for Rorschach's prison scene. One of my favorite moments in movies.

You're a bad person and you SHOULD feel bad!!!