

Rule 34

Gotta remember the clock runs while they're getting up, calling plays in the huddle, before the snap, etc. These networks go snap-to-down (the parts that matter).

not dark, but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea! And stronger than the foundations of the earth!

Why is your opinion of whether the game should go on more important than the other people who voted against you? It's not. That's why it's a vote.

When you hit "Play" you sign up to do your best for a full game, no matter how much you think you're 'wasting your time.' When you quit, you back out on your commitment. That makes you a bad teammate.

My opinion - it has nothing to do with race, gender, orientation, or anything else. Bratty kids playing games just want to say the most hurtful thing they can. They want to be the worst possible. Turns out, racially charged stuff tends to be the worst thing they can say.

And now there's Mt Dew in my nose. Thanks for the brilliant comment :)

Eh. I say, let people do what they wanna do. I can understand the desire to have bigger boobs and I can understand the desire to be natural.

Fire is just hot gas.

Really disappointed in the lack of whiteface for Guile and Cyclops ;)

Yeah, same as HalomanZero said - the butt of the joke is on the person who used the word 'rape' casually, not the rape victim.

On a simpler note, it allows you to make quicker decisions about changing directions if you have to. It's especially important in a game like LoL. If your movements are predictable, it's easy to hit you with ranged abilities. If you're constantly making tiny adjustments to your movement, you're more likely to dodge

You only have to be THIS good to be a pro. You can do pretty well without being a robot.

I didn't read it that way at all; but I see it now. My bad :D

The big deal is that they get paid $2.85 an hour instead of the state-mandated $7.85 minimum wage.

Today I learned, meme-purism is a thing

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This! The design is one tool to solve the major issue - culture. Design can be a powerful motivator for culture change in a workplace. But there are a lot of other motivators that have to work together. A positive working culture has to be promoted, supported, and rewarded by the administration. Design does the

Midwest got pretty hammered. Here in Detroit it got pretty nasty.