
Last of Us destroyed me, in an interesting an awesome way.

THIS. I've never been a member, but I miss the Republican party. At least real Republicans care more about governing than they care about sticking it to liberals.

Easy - pick your favorite 3 characters! Who cares about triple techs or team balance or whatever... you're gonna be so good at the game (aren't we all by now?) anyway that having a 'team comp' advantage doesn't even matter.

I always thought anti-violent video games was a lefty issue... It's one of my major complaints about Hillary. I think the righties stay away from it because anti-violent video games = more government regulation of the video game industry.

haha, yeah that might be true, but *I* wanted to come to this thread and see an intelligent discussion, not a flame war! And clearly, these boards exist solely to satisfy my personal needs... :)

You kinda bit down real hard on the troll bait. #1 rule: don't engage with people who are not trying to have a discussion, but rather trying to get a reaction out of you. If Dinosaur Rex wants to call you names, ignore it. There are plenty of people who want to have an intelligent conversation who are more deserving

I've had 2 version of the Merc keyboard (I had the non-backlit version back when it was still Ideazon) and now I have the Merc... All I can say is, I wish I got it at this price. I *love* this keyboard.

First one's Miss Fortune. Note the pirate hat.

I think your description of the game is a little off - this game is different from most strategy games because the MAIN focus is on economy, not combat. There are over a dozen resources, all of which can be refined into premium products if you have the infrastructure... but only 2 land combat units and a 2? 3?

I'll add here that this title (IMO Tie Fighter more than X-Wing, but I get the idea that X-Wing was a first) belongs on this list more than any other because we may never get to play a game like this again. All the other games on this list have new titles being made in their genre. This genre is currently dead. Play

I'll file this in the "duh" category. Of course it goes on the list!

A thousand times yes! This game eliminated our satisfaction with run-and-gun, collect-powerup FPS. We wanted more, and this was the first FPS to REALLY deliver IMO.

This game was amazing. The gameplay was always fun, it kept you thinking, and I absolutely loved the way the told the same story between 3 different perspectives which really put all the pieces together by the end. The way they introduced a scene as being "-02 days 13 hours from the incident," leaving you to guess at

The only thing I have to add is that the troublesome idea here is these folks are complaining that homosexuality is "yucky" or "awkward" and you've acknowledged that you think that it is natural to feel awkward when you assume the role of a homosexual.

Everybody bit down real hard on this jerk's troll bait...

Haha, until now I never considered the irony of the fact that I read 451 as an e-book...

I don't even need my dog.

Oooh, then we can spend a half hour drawing 300 Cure...

That didn't happen. I don't remember it happening. It must not have happened ever.

Calling people idiots for having an opinion seems pretty judgmental to me.