
I love this feature.

Hahahaha, I could almost HEAR you say "No."

Haha, he's making some pretty sweeping generalizations, I think...

For what it's worth re: the coffee snobs who hate on others who enjoy these machines - I drink maybe 1 cup per week of sugared up, too-much-creamer, milkshake coffee and I love these things. In 30 seconds whenever I want, I have the exact same cup of "coffee" every single time. "Real coffee" tastes terrible to me.

"Don't bother replying"

I read the entire thread. I'm focusing on the fact that someone values the original more than a print, and you think they shouldn't.

While I disagree with you, I totally respected your arguments until you lowered yourself to personal insults.

"With people starving, homeless, and jobless, regardless of beauty and impact, NO piece of art is is worth that amount of money. None. Nada, not one."

You can't tell other people what they can and can't value. There's no "morality" in valuing things differently than you.

Sorry - my reply wasn't specific to your post, but rather to the thread in general. It started as a controller debate. My bad!

Folks is gettin emotional in here.

We just all have wishful thinking about how much time we really have. Nobody buys stuff to show off, I think. I just buy games I think I have time to play, but I generally don't have as much time as I wish I had.

Looks like a lot of people bit down real hard on your troll bait.

Why do you hate me so much that you would tell me to do this? I try to be good...

Guess you can't afford the next Xbox then.

The public doesn't care who gets there first (or repeatedly pretends to). The public cares about what works best, for the lowest price. For the general masses, a tech company is not something you feel loyalty to. People who care about who-copied-who are in the minority in a big way.

But it's not really up to you how serious they are. They're as serious as they want to be. Just because they're not as serious as someone wants them to be doesn't give that someone the right to put them down. That's not fair, and it isn't right. Nobody deserves to be put down. Blaming the victim is wrong.

Is accuracy really that important? You don't get to be a fan if you've got 20 more pounds on you? Who cares? On Halloween, do we knock kids' buckets out of their hands and yell "YOU CALL THIS BATMAN!?" Why is cosplay any different than Halloween?

Welcome to the Internet, where every asshole gets an equal voice.

You don't have to be a feminist to realize that calling people awful names, or touching someone inappropriately is wrong. Male or female, it's simple: it's wrong. Blaming the victim is a very small-minded mentality.