
That's the total rate of intentional homicide by any means

Obama is not a "Socialist" (capital S), he is a Democrat. He may employ and support policies that some see as socialist (little s), but he is not part of any Socialist party. Democrats in general lean more toward socialist policies than Republicans, but in general, even Democrats are not very socialist when taking a

Could be the UK. They have a fantastic record of extremely strict gun control and extremely low gun homicides. The United States sees 40x the number of homicides with a gun per 100,000 people.

He's using present tense with a conditional - he means we would never be invaded right now (implied in the foreseeable future).

The crappy part about that is, it sets up a no-lose scenario for trolls. They have no consequence. At least kryptonite hurts Superman. Ignoring a troll just means they'll move on and try to troll more people. There's no way I know of that trolls can actually be made to feel bad about what they're doing, which is

It depends. I think folks know what trolling is, but then they turn it around by claiming that well-intentioned, but dissenting posts are troll posts. It's a passive aggressive way of trying to invalidate someone's viewpoint. For example, I know that there are people who post stupid things in order to be funny, and

Bullying has many forms and many weapons. It's basically physical or mental abuse. If you're trolling someone, you're setting up a trap to make someone get upset. That's a minor form of mental abuse - you're intentionally making someone feel 'bad' (upset, angry, shocked). This is often followed by insult and

Because someone uses bad grammar on internet, they deserve bullying? You have a warped sense of appropriate consequence.

I see you stepped right down in a nice big pile of steaming troll bait

Nope. Housing products sales and manufacturing company. Faucets, cabinets, paint, etc. Like I said, depends on your CIO, some CIOs find value in being ahead of the game, some don't.

I work at a Forbes 500 corporate headquarters of a conglomerate with 17k employees, and we've been on Windows 7 a long time, and we're prototyping Windows 8 with select user groups already. It all depends on your CIO.

Careful - #10 will get you fired, where I work.

I agree with you sort of, except that in a pre-order, they don't take your money until they ship the product, so it's not a loan.

It's not a monopoly - it's vertical integration. But you've got the general idea right.

You're right, the government will send this guy to collect the bill.

My best bookworm word was VULVA. I still laugh to this day about it. Every time I would get to a new round, it would remind me - Your best word so far is: VULVA. Hahaha, it's funny because vagina.

Google or Mercedes auto-driving cars! They're working on it!

I hope you are kidding; if not, you are a bad person.

There's nothing wrong with it; like I said, I like public transportation. But if you could choose a train that took you to your destination, or a train that took you 10 minutes away, wouldn't you pick the one that took you straight there?