
What's the real difference between public transportation and driver-less cars, to the user? In public transportation, you get in, sit down, and the train/bus/plane takes you somewhere. In driver-less cars, you get in, sit down, and the car takes you somewhere. The only difference is that you don't have to wait for

Yikes. I was trying to be polite about it... Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

Careful with this too - it's illegal in some states to secretly record your conversations with others, and it's federally illegal to secretly record other peoples' conversations.

While I agree with your sentiment, "I'd like to see you try" is never a valid argument. It's a logical fallacy that can be applied to any debate, worth or unworthy.

Classic Jesus - "people who do things that I don't do are idiots." Really, putting a case on a phone makes them an idiot? Don't get me wrong, I don't like cases either, but I'm not so full of myself to think that people who do are 'beneath me.'

Plenty of people like the 13's. There are just loud whiners on the internet. Square wants to make money, and another 13 will make money. Is it because they're good? Who knows. Square doesn't have to care. I like 'em, so I say bring 'em on.

"The Fire HD is a little sleeker and a little rounder" Whoa, Kyle, dude. Keep a lid on it. We don't say the "round" word in the tech world anymore. There are Apple lawyers fucking everywhere. They're LISTENING. Jesus. Here we are loving all this new tech, and you have to say "rounder" and ruin everything.

If you're going to nitpick, any damage to the screen becomes a gaping hole of light if any damage comes to the screen. #corrections

A nice bag and a cheap bag often look the same. A lot of times, it's about the quality of the materials and the craftsmanship. An expensive bag should have higher quality materials and hold together for a lot longer than a cheaper bag. I can't vouch for these bags specifically, but that may/should be the cause of the

Googled "FF13 reviews." Top 4 sites:

It's the third best selling Final Fantasy game to date. Seems very well received to me. There are louder whiners on the internet these days.

That's not very polite.

Really? That kind of rudeness is really necessary? 3 insults because he asked a simple question? Why are we like this?

Well if we were talking about Law, you'd probably at least have a leg to stand on... but Notre Dame doesn't even HAVE a medical school.

Are you surprised at all that they fake stuff on TV? Every shot in tv shows and commercials are faked up.

Says who? Unless you're from one of 9 US schools, Michigan's medical school is ranked better than yours in research.

Right? It's not like it's from Ohio State or some other nonsense... :D

Oops - the general idea is, we get mad when bad guys go free because the police violated their rights in police searches. In general, the courts stand behind our rights.

Same - I had to look hard for other game characters I recognized, but the Chrono Trigger characters and enemies jumped right out at me. So good!

I agree that the inconsistent pricing is bad, but I disagree that the game isn't worth $18. It's in my top 3 gaming experiences of all time. I've played it so many times, and it's great every time. It may be a weird price, but you get your money's worth. If you can't play more than $1 for a game, you won't get more