Because porn is disgusting and its purveyors and consumers misogynists.
Because porn is disgusting and its purveyors and consumers misogynists.
Wow, WJT Mitchell! I loved the last book you wrote in 1994. Thanks for visiting Jezebel.
GTFO. No society has done more than Germany to come agonizingly to terms with the past. What exactly has the U.S. done even to acknowledge let alone rectify the genocide of Native Americans, slavery, racism, sexism, and your general post colonial legacy?
You know that most of the people posting on Jezebel , including those you deem “Burner trolls” as if you’re using your real name, have been commenting for years before you showed up with your millions of superfluous me-too sunshiney hot takes on every post on every blog, right? It's interesting that you've voiced a…
You’re a jerk.
People should protest circumcision. It's babaric.
..and we Germans won’t get into how messed up it is that you know it all Americans who spout off so much about our language and culture incredibly can’t speak a word of our language when you and your fanny packs visit here...
“ I never knew anyone who tried to make a book. I also grew up in the South...”
They don’t have to make a difficult decision. It’s only recently become something you’d even construe as a “decision” to do what is both best and necessary for the entire population.
“I’m all for science and research and studies.”
Judy Collins...
In the short time you have been posting you have quickly become one of the most boorish commenters of all time. Didn't you post a lengthy diatribe recently about someone using your hair conditioner? So we have to listen to you about the most inane imaginable crap but you don't have to accept responses to your "haven't…
No, this is not true. *German here btw. Feminists in our civilized country are against the exploitation of members of our gender, which is what sex work is.
still prob way higher than the number of people wanting to fuck you, which is zero. have a nice good one and by good one i mean box of taquitos and a bottle of mountain dew.
Wow, 125+ likes for pre-meditated first degree assault that could have resulted in burns or serious disfigurement if the person had an allergy. It's wrong to "cheat" (if that's really what it is when you voluntarily date a frat douchebro - you know what your signing up for going in), but it's really really really…
It sounds like it was maybe a good thing someone accidentally took your keys that night because driving while drunk and bleary eyed might have had a bad result for other people as well as yourself.
Two too many commas.
Very true. The outcry over the situation and plight of adjuncts and highly credentialed Ph.Ds is endemic of what's happening now. The longer I'm in academia the more I believe your fate is sealed not when you graduate with your phil doc (or whatever I'm thinking of humanities scholarship) but the day you enter your…
I don't have anything to add because your comment perfectly encapsulates how I feel about third wavers in general and Jezebel in particular. The subsidiaral GroupThink could not be more aptly named.
I love her hair and am also a middle-aged college professor!