appropriate name for a service dog i guess
appropriate name for a service dog i guess
All this time for some reason I thought you were in Germanistik...
Dominique Strauss-Kahn's name is spelled wrong also. Only the former IMF chief with access to world leaders. NBD. The people Emma Carmichael has hired....I just don't get it.
I would love to claim him as part of the air sign family (we have the same birthday) but he won't stop wearing fur.
Is it possible for this writer to generate an accurate headline? This headline and the FGM headline are completely misleading. However impaired the judge may be, he did not issue a ruling on upskirt photography but rather adjudicated this one case. In the wake of the Rolling Stone story, how can you not realize the…
I usually just tell people "I like animals and I don't want to eat them." The short sentence, double "I" for "I'm totally taking responsibility for this so please don't press it..." and a very neutral tone usually shuts it down, even with nuts who spout the "dominion over the animals" line about other stuff.
Those are very thoughtful comments. I want direct action too. I am working with Sea Shepherds next summer because I am ready to do physical intervention; it's all that's left really. As you point out it is particularly frustrating fighting for women when other women fight against fighting for women, with the big…
Nice literal interpretation. I just meant people in STEM, like polyamorists, love to tell you that that's what their gig is after a short (and unsolicited) period of time... as I said, I'm in the humanties and teach studio video art sometimes, so, my impediment is not mechanical.
The eight hours is inclusive of time to microwave and eat Taquitos, pull the Mountain Dew out of the dorm size fridge, restock the tube sock basket, etc.
I don't know. I guess. To me it's not "judgmental" to comment on things such as pornography, antivaxxers, factory farming, climate change deniers. These things are just wrong and the time for being polite-with-an-eyeroll is past.
People haven't enjoyed videos and film for millennia because the technology has not existed that long. Many people way smarter than me have discussed how in fact societies are often not equipped for the negative changes wrought by tech + capitalism + avarice. This is why revenge porn laws were not already in place to…
Yes, basically and albeit a bit hyperbolically. The aspect ratio is the same, though. Women are born into a condition of ideology and subjugation, and many find a level of "normal" within this system. Changes that benefit entire races or genders don't necessarily make everyone comfortable or cheerful. The object of…
I wish I did know of one. I really think Jezebel is about to supernova and will soon go away. I think you're right about moderation being a problem. I'm glad to hear it phrased that way. I'm between generations, and even some of the second wavers are too peace-nik-y for me.
No, that's the wrong model. It's more like you are saying, "well, some slaves were given enough food and clothing and shelter and allowed to remain with their families and were actually kind of happy and wouldn't have left the plantation had they had the choice, so, you see, slavery is not all that bad as a structural…
The Gawker business model is posting horrific and cruel stories and making fun ot the people in them, in one way or the other (or worse animals), such as the tragic story from a couple weeks ago in which someone just walking along fell through a sewer grating and was killed. This in NYC a few blocks from the Gawker…
If women exploit women, or if men exploit women, exploiting women is still wrong. Pornography, prostitution, etc... it's the temporary suspension of a person's sexual autonomy and identity for someone else's gratification.
Look, I think we have a different definition of "coerced." This scenario sounds very messed up and coercive, tbh. It really points up the problem of sociological brainwashing and the escalating needs for stimulation people seem to require to get off, like some weird combination of Memento and [that film from a few…
No one has said anything like that in this entire discussion. We are programmed to respond to the human form as something that is beautiful and desirable, though in the context of caring, admiration, affection, and of course sexual arousal. The post and the initial discussion was about the degradation inherent in…
I mean if it's Tilda Swinton I guess it's OK but I really can't get behind Sandra Bullock's body of work at all.
Typical millennial misuse of literally. There aren't actually half a billion. As I have said before my students frequently cite Jezebel as a "feminist" source so it is incumbent upon me to demonstrate that it's not. In these types of threads where someone like you tries to shush someone they disagree with, there's…