
Eww. - Some random person , Berlin, Germany, 23/8/2013 23:48

My cookout potato salad does basically the same thing, but the shredder is the colon, and does it get me fame and adulation? No! It only gets me forwarded ambulance and ER bills from friends and relatives.

He’s pretty gay in all of my Professor X/Magneto slash fan fiction.

Well he did reinforce that stereotype of gay men being able to manipulate metal at an atomic level.

I’m sure someone somewhere made that critique, but it sure wasn’t the general response!

I don’t remember ever seeing that about the Flash either.

Magneto was criticized for being “too gay” ?

Ah yes that famous community of liberals that definitely exists willing to battle over the good name of fucking ER.

Look, if you want to say something in these comments all I ask is that you be respectful to one another. Disagree on whatever points you want but please treat each other decently.  (Assholes and transphobes get banned.)

I think this is an awesome untapped market.