
“For offensive sets, Arcanine’s 120 base power Flare Blitz can melt big threats such as Kartana, Celesteela and Ninetails with ease.”

...I did a double take then, forgetting Ninetails now has some kind of ice transformation. 

Makes me think that “surpassing revenue targets” is a fancy way of saying “we just scraped by”.

Exactly this. I can’t believe they didn’t include a video for Bloodborne

Just like Bloodborne’s Father Gascoigne, Gehrman, and Lady Maria.

Personally, I have no issue with the game wearing it’s influenced on it’s sleeve. Just like all the Platform games spawned by Mario, or RPG’s spawned by Zelda.

You didn’t include the numbers for the last time Resi had a total make over - Resi 4. I’d be curious to see how Resi 4 did in its first week given its departure from the series’ traditions.

The only thing there that has any appeal is fixing Chapter 13 - but then again I’m not touching another playthrough until they’ve added these cutscenes to see if they somehow redeem the story-telling. Those cutscenes should absolutely be the priority.

Trails in the Sky SC is definitely a sluggish game. Forces you to walk everywhere, unless you overlevel fights are a chore, enemies that summon other enemies ad infinitum, attacks that damage you and heal the enemy for the same damage you just dealt, etc, etc... It took me 47 long and grueling hours before I realise I

That’s what happens when they literally cut a game in half.

Don’t forget that you’ve (probably) only heard the English dub. Jap Lightning could be totally emotional

Lightning got 3 games, I’d definitely of put money on her.

I dunno if I’ll bother with KHIII. All these “side games” were never as fun as the main series for me, but they all relate to the main plot. I feel like I’ll be at a total loss (like I was with KHII, only worse)

I guess after the No Man’s Sky fiasco, Sony’s like “fuck it”

Why did you guys bolden more than the 8 words he appears to have lifted from Bane’s speech? It’s more than a little misleading.

I’m not trying to be a smart-arse or anything, but what exactly was it people were hyped for over this? Usually I can appreciate why something appeals to others, even if it doesn’t myself. Not the case for the gameplay I saw for this, though. The cancellation doesn’t come as a huge surprise for me.

I liked Nana in the beginning, but eventually Nana-Hachiko’s... inability to not do the same stupid things just got too much to stomach. I was expecting some character development, but she constantly seemed to be making the same mistakes. I think I got about 75%-80% through the series before I lost interest.

That’s kind of what I meant be “viable platform”. VR isn’t quite there yet. It’s too expensive, for one, but will get cheaper as technology improves (as does everything)

I’m getting pretty excited for Nioh, myself

I’m not saying Valve did it first, but I feel at the time of HL2's release, the big gaming “paradigm” was working physics. I feel like the current paradigm (or at least the one the industry is working towards) is VR.

Maybe I’m dreaming, but I’m hoping that HL3 is going to do for VR what HL2 demonstrated we could do

My money’s on HL3 coming out when VR is really viable platform.

“[T]he idea of Blizzard announcing a queer character feels sort of…. gimmicky.”

The whole thing feels gimmicky, to me. An attractive female character makes out with another attractive female character. That first female character, by the way, is the same one who’s arse got a lot of attention not too long ago.

I kind of