“Maybe this time you could pick Valeria or let Ridley die.”
“Maybe this time you could pick Valeria or let Ridley die.”
Jason’s idea sounds a lot like what Bungie did with Destiny’s Sparks of Light: One-off consumables that take you to a level that lets you participate in the new content. Seem’s like a sensible idea.
I assume they’ve fixed the bulk of the PC copy’s issues?
“Ring of Resistance – A protective piece of jewelry that renders the entire party to be resistant to magical friendly fire.”
This shouldn’t be a premium item. This should be how magic works to begin with. Yeah, I get that they’re going for a whole “realistic” vibe, but it’s God-damn MAGIC to begin with.
I’m hoping the platform gets more attention as people migrate from consoles. This whole “incremental” model based on phones is so rubbish.
Have the game’s PC issues been fixed?
I’m not sure if they spoiled too much of the story, or that there wasn’t really that much story to actually spoil.
“Sony has pledged that all PS4 games will run on both systems, but it’s a safe bet that over the next year or two, the Pro will become more of a standard while the original PS4 becomes a poor relation”
Yeah, that appears to be how it’s meant to be given Kirk’s solution. Without knowing that, though, it’s pretty ambiguous.
I thought the sentence “The lady in green sat left of someone in blue” was ambiguous, too. Like, is the lady in green to the left of the person in blue? Or left of the person in blue as you’re facing them?
That’s the point at which I gave up.
Given how a couple of months after the E3 reveal last year we saw some game play, I’m surprised we haven’t heard diddly squat about the remake since.
My money’s on the remake sharing the same woes as XV.
Sucks, right? So many daft things for mean turned what could have been a great game into a chore at times.
I don’t mind fan service if it serves some kind of point, like Ami Kawashima in Tora Dora being a flirt. That makes sense, given the character, and sort of expected, given the premise of the show.
On the flip side, I think I watched about a minute of that “Food Wars” - sold to me as a kind of anime Master Chef - up…
And then you nudged R1 by mistake, losing your lock on. Or, the game just decides that you don’t want to be locked on anymore.
Jump/Interact, the “Dungeon Crawl”, Fast Travel taking you to the totally wrong place, an elevator where you can’t pick a floor but have to travel through each of them sequentially... this game has heaps of things that just shouldn’t be.
“ultimately only the company’s CEO can make an exceptional decision such as changing a game’s release date”
“Ubisoft Montreal CEO Yannis Mallat - €700,000"
Is this a sneaky report? I’m sure I read that mirror-throwing part previously.
If Zelda isn’t a launch title, I’ll be very surprised.
I’m not really surprised, in fact I’m kinda glad that the masses didn’t lose their mind and buy the game regardless. I’m not trying to be vindictive, but it’s really not all that good a game. Just look at the recent announcement regarding the free updates to improve it (which is a total 180 from the reason given for…
I know, right? That’s something I thought of within 5 seconds of turning the game off in frustration.