
It’s a shame ACIII had to deal with the debacle that was Desmond’s story, and how poorly it was handled when Ubisoft decided to turn the series into an annual thing. III could have been a great game, if they didn’t have to wrap up that mess. They should have stuck with whatever their original trilogy’s story was going

I seriously hope there’s a way to tell them our thoughts on what’s wrong with the game. It’s not just the awful story-telling but so many stupid design decisions. For example, having a run-way so short for the secret dungeon that it’s easy to crash the plane.

Why not make the damn run-way longer, or have the damn plane

I hope the VII remake gives Cloud and Zack the kind of bro-attention they gave Noctis’ crew. Will make for a helluva good time.

I’ve crashed the fucking thing the two times I tried to just enter the bloody dungeon. Why the fuck couldn’t thins thing have a hover mode or something? Christ.

I’ve not had any fun glitches, sadly. Quest NPC’s have disappeared into the floor, and mob hunts refusing the spawn.

Given how much easier breeding is now, I really don’t get why people are still soft-resetting to this extent, outside of legendaries. But hey, that’s just me.

Still annoys me that the game wasn’t called “Beachcast”...

Is there plans for a “Division Collection” after the next DLC? I might consider it after the last patch. Destiny has gotten super stale

This helps explain why so many people were raving about what I thought was a pretty mediocre game.

Escape rooms..?

Spoilers, dammit! GOD DAMMIT.

This might be another game I don’t immediately buy... that particular list is getting pretty long.

The study could easily be a few months old before the shift to the current meta

I’m 100% confident that FFXV isn’t going to live up to the hype.

That’s not to say it’ll be a bad game, but it won’t be the game people are hoping for after a decade of development.

I’m also 100% confident in saying that’s why SE announced the VII remake. It’s their one and only trump card to stay in the black.

They’ve included some older games for optimization, and Bloodborne ISN’T one of those games?

The fools...

Pretty sure Red showed up in Gold/Silver as an optional “final boss”? Had a Pikachu and everything.

Actually, nevermind, I know he did:

Ah, retail gaming has been in a dire place for a while now. It shouldn’t be too surprising just what kind of depths retailers will plummet to, when it comes to making some cash.

As an aside: No, generic retail person, I do not want to pre-order anything, ever, period.

“Wii before it, the Wii U sought to provide an experience that focused on dual screens”


Now playing

There’s a particular “musical sound effect” (for lack of a better term) that they used in Winter Soldier, when Cap and Bucky first duke it out. Fight starts at 1:35 in the video below, and the particular noise I’m referring to is shortly after 2:09.

It sounds like the death-cry of some prehistoric guitar, and it really

Anyone else surprised about the apparent lack of Troy Baker?