
Firstly, I’d like it on the record that part of the reason Sony were so quiet about the Slim leak was to try and trump Microsoft’s Next Year Scorpio with Sony’s This Year Alternative.

Secondly, I’ve not heard anything that’ll make me upgrade, aside from MAYBE being able to play Bloodborne as 60fps. I want to stress,

My experience with the Duscae demo left the combat the complete opposite of being fun. I’m wondering how much this game has changed since then? I don’t mind the game being real time as opposed to the ol’ ATB, but all I had to do in Duscae, really, was “hold square to win”.

I’d have to advocate for Tora Dora. At the beginning, the relationships are a bit ambiguous but obviously get tied up neatly at the end. Then, watching the series after those ambiguities have been dealt with, you gain a whole new appreciation for the supporting characters.

Meh. I’ll watch it if they make a dub and decide for myself.

Those legs are far too chunky for Artorias

This actually makes me really happy. I absolutely LOATHE day one patches. I remember playing Sonic on my Mega Drive as a kid, and I long for the days when you could just buy a game, plug it in, and play the bloody thing. Not wait for like, hours, for a massive patch to download and install.

Don’t get me wrong, I

I’m sad that I upgraded my PC only last year and it’s struggling with ultra settings for this game :(

“Final Fantasy would stick with it up until the PlayStation 2 era, when Tidus came along and ruined everything. (Just kidding. We’ll get to him later.)“

You’ve made me realise that X’s battle system wasn’t actually “active”. It was still a fuck ton better than what they did with XII and XIII.

“10 years later”...“In 2008"...“It’s now 2016"

Does this mean I can also use my PS4 Gold Headset on the PC, without all the hassle of fiddling with audio settings/crappy wireless microphone? That’d be pretty awesome

Much better than making a huge big song and dance for a release date, only to then go back a month out from that and say: “Yeah, about that? Nevermind. Here’s another 2 months wait.”

That meowth is beyond dull

I thought the point of Denuvo wasn’t that it was impossible to crack, but just extremely difficult. Like, Denuvo basically stops it being pirated so early in the release, when the bulk of the sales take place? I’m pretty sure other, earlier Denuvo games have already been cracked, like MGSV.

“Jason 1, Mushrooms 2.”

Fixed it, for you.

Indie developers are getting really impressive now.

I can appreciate the guys honesty, too, with the influences so obviously worn on his sleeve: FFXV, DMC, even a bit of Tokyo Ghoul, haha.

Is it even worth buying? With Scorpio out next year/Xbox on Windows?

Please God let it be called Pikaboo

Ahh. Cameron Diaz when she was 21.

I may have to go back and watch that film again.

Regardless of weather it’s free or not, they provided a service and have now fundamentally changed or removed part of the service that people used. That’s a legitimate reason to complain.

It would also be very, very stupid for Valve to ignore these complaints. Again, regardless if it’s free, Valve clearly make money

I didn’t realise this was out already. I have to wonder why competitive mode wasn’t just added to the game, leaving everything else as it was? Part of the fun of TF2 was just jumping into a game when i wanted, jumping out when I wanted. Are you saying that you now have to wait to join games? And somehow get penalized