
@SlayBelle: I suppose we have the Republican/Palin camp for that and she doesn't deserve as much of my ire as my comment indicated.

@izzipili: yeah, exactly. Why preach something that so clearly didn't work for her?

@thebutton19: Yeah, that's my real problem with it - actual studies have shown that abstinence only education not only doesn't work, in the end, but when the kids who receive it *do* start having the sex, the majority have it unprotected. (The grammar in that last sentence is questionable)

Geeze, Imagine if their tagline was "some women need to be slapped".

Fuck her for endorsing abstinence and not birth control. Fuck that course of action in general.

Letting them be weird and not correcting them when they run around a restaraunt screaming and actually physically injuring the adults they careen into are two very different things, but I know some parents who don't differentiate.

@RaeBeta: <3 I just reread the first three books, and realized there are more I don't own.

the "feeding" fetish creeps me out in a way no other (legal, consensual) fetish does.


@RaeBeta: cute! but you have a nose.

these dolls take fashion bowleggedness to a disturbing extreme.

I'm not a hater but I AM sort of concerned by his whirlwind fame. I hope he doesn't fall hard when people get tired of him, if they do.

@Edie Spencer: Uh, ok, so normally I don't care, but I have to say I was momentarily the *tiniest* bit disappointed when I found out he's gay and not bisexual like his character on Torchwood. Because if he were bi, I'd TOTALLY have a (real, not imaginary) chance at hitting that. Amirite? /ends fantasy.

Wait, HEROINE addict?

@lucyjae: oh cool. I've never seen Movie Bill. That's not what he looks like in my head.

@lucyjae: where did that picture come from?

@pinkteapot: Who's to say she's not getting away with it? Will there be money paid to the McQueen estate?