
Jill Stein is nothing more than a vanity candidate. She has no relevant experience, and her policy positions are dangerously incoherent and irrational. Anyone who voted for her should be ashamed of themselves.

Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.

I’m with her....still.

I felt such incredible pride watching her concede—never have I admired her more than her confronting the greatest wall of adversity any of us has ever faced in public life. She was truly presidential through each oncoming wave of adversity and malice, starting 18 months ago. She WAS the president during her speech,

James Buchanan? Whose Presidency preceeded the Civil War?

I’ll offer this ray of hope. Probably won’t get out of the greys, but it’s worth saying.


It’s important we not let Trump supporters forget about it after the fact. This isn’t some harmless oddity like, I don’t know, liking Cop Rock in the 90s. This is world ruining business, and they need to be reminded, as much as necessary, of just how bad their judgment was. They need to never trust themselves again.

So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!

= Rape Culture

This is sadly not surprising to me at all.

Watching women come together to defend HRC is one of the most gorgeous things I have seen, culturally, in years. So many men I know just do not see the problem. They just “feel” like they don’t like her, and can’t register the sexism. But women see it! We’ve all been there with some oaf trying to stand over us and

I am so fucking ready to see this woman get her Inauguration Day.

this is the real story here folks

Yes! I had a very similar experience. There were things and feelings going on at that time which made me feel like shit. Ultimately, though, they weren’t the abortion. I didn’t make the choice lightly, but once it was made it wasn’t regrettable at all. Tears shed here too, but I know I’d do it the same way if done

I hate when they describe it as a heartwrwnching decision. When I volunteered at PP the women were usually happy about their decisions and adamant they didn’t want a child at that time. Quite a few wanted sterilization but had difficulty finding a doctor who would do that.

As emotionally rolling it was beating myself up for getting pregnant in the first place, the decision to abort remains the single most responsible and well made decision I have ever made. If I hadn’t done it I’d be forever tied to an abusive felon who would’ve ruined my life and that of the baby we would’ve had. And

This is probably why sexual predators shouldn’t make their election campaigns about consent/assault.

i miss the old jezebel