
Ha. The thieves who stole my CD player in 1999 also got a Cracker CD. Jokes on them.

If I have throw any shade toward this story, it’s not toward her but at the police. They always seem to take crimes more seriously when it happens to celebs and the wealthy than when it happens to us plain folk. And that’s what gets my goat; our stuff means just as much to us as their stuff means to them.

It’s such an odd comment, because being robbed doesn’t seem like a problem specific to rich people. I suspect having your diamond ring stolen doesn’t feel a lot better than having someone break into your home and steal your TV, either. Hell, someone broke into my mom’s apartment when she was in the bathroom, and she

“Rich people problems”? Being robbed is rich people problems? Wow, he should have told the guy who broke into my backyard and stole my bike.

Ugh, really?? No, “rich people problems” is when a rich person can’t get in touch with their pilot for their private jet and have to fly first class on a passenger plane somewhere. i.e. something that doesn’t negatively impact their life, but just seems so because of the scale of what they already have. Not when

I think we all need to start talking to our sons about consent and what consent really means. These conversations need to start WAAYYY before college. We need to start talking about consent as part of general “birds and bees” talks before kids even get to adolescence.

This happened at 2am, Tuesday morning: my son and one of his roommates were walking on campus, talking and listening to music, with no classes on Tuesday. Another young man ran up to them, motioning to the bushes, where they found a young woman passed out and a naked dorm mate crouched by her. Naked guy pulls up his

Everybody should be able to go to a party without being raped.

I feel like a 16 year old should be able to go to a party without getting raped.

Maybe I’m bitter because they wouldn’t hire me because I wasn’t “cool girl” enough but I’m definitely Schadenfreude over this news. I dislike the whole “girl boss” image Sophia has projected for herself. You can be a boss and a woman without using your gender to define your leadership style. Some fluff self help

Secrets time!

Sorry, former ModClother here. Most of the clothing sold there comes from China and they’ve been undergoing massive layoffs in the past 2 years. A friend of mine who had been there for About 5+ years was laid off because they cut the entire Pittsburgh social team.

I get what you’re saying, but that’s a slippery slope. This bookstore has been there for quite a while, and it preceded the real gentrification push that has recently happened. There is also a community college down the street, so a bookstore was a good fit. This store also has been involved in the community and

Yeah, either people are pulling things out of context and ignoring the rest, or they are just skimming the article. They also tried to educate people on the historic racism and white supremacy of Oregon, and Portland in particular, which a ton of people don’t know about or ignore, in that statement. 

I think they were upset tha the BLM sign was removed so it wouldn’t be seen on the show. They also state BLM Portland also meets there regularly, and are also reminding people of the historic racism of the Oregon and Portland in particular. Oregon was formed to be a “white utopia”

You can be a Hillary supporter and you don’t have to preface it with the hipster “not my first choice...” Bernie is dunzo. He has been dunzo. Either go whole hog on Hillary or accept that you’re going to be lumped in with Trump supporters in the baskets upon baskets of deplorables.

Now playing

I wish that when Trump had whined about Clinton going negative with ads, she would have said with all sincerity:

I really don’t have many friends on FB at all and it’s so funny to see the people still proclaiming “Both candidates are awful! I can’t stand either of them.”

Hillary’s comeback about having enough stamina to endure the Benghazi hearing/witch trial made me laugh.

If you are a traditional Democratic voter who chooses to vote for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein or just not to vote, because you “don’t trust” Hillary Clinton, please go ahead and consider yourself my mortal enemy.