Wait. So the kid was like “I have a STEM degree, where is my job?” and Trump was like, “What if you assembled iPhones? Wouldn’t that be cool?”
Wait. So the kid was like “I have a STEM degree, where is my job?” and Trump was like, “What if you assembled iPhones? Wouldn’t that be cool?”
Funny, Adrian Peterson’s son’s face is imprinted on his cleats too.
What I don’t get is why someone would protest the Anthem of the Country that allows him to make millions of dollars absolutely no money playing Football in the first place. If he really wanted to make a difference he’d donate some of his salary room and board to inner city charities.
I’m just one dumb Broncos fan, but he remains a fan favorite. Solidified his fan favorite position, really.
Trump thought that was a Russian flag so he left it in.
o fuck yea br0
“I was like that all night.”
Wonder what Bubby Brister is up to....
“Hyperbole serves no one ever.”
Gino...became a kind of human victory cigar
Truly a hair-raising experience.
I have a question for you: Is a hot dog an elite? How far can it punt a foosball?
To his credit (?) he practically begs them to stop asking him about politics. He knows he's an idiot.
Hey, if some good is being done with the money thats great but you also shouldnt conflate nobility with giving away a bunch of money you couldnt possibly spend in a thousand lifetimes.
Cops probably didn’t believe him because he didn’t refer to it as THE Ohio State University.
What are you talking about? It’s incredibly easy to convert a three-point shooter into someone who takes long 2s instead.
It’s also the entire employee handbook for University of Phoenix Online admissions staff.
*claps* *then cries*
+1 for the misplaced apostrophe.