“I heard you say one dumb thing so I’m never going to listen to anything you ever have to say ever, because I’m smarter than you, because I don’t make sweeping generalizations.” ............
“I heard you say one dumb thing so I’m never going to listen to anything you ever have to say ever, because I’m smarter than you, because I don’t make sweeping generalizations.” ............
Let’s start with the fact that SJWs are those self-loathing white metropolitan progressive morons with liberal arts degree who swallow bait statements like “But Azealia Banks cannot be racist! Only white people can be racist!” in regard to Banks’ recent ban from Twitter (over calling Zayn Malik a “bitch nigga”) and…
In fact, I’d say SJWs are defined by the fact that they don’t really give a crap about social justice or the people who don’t have it. They care about feeling good or important. People who really care about social justice help to promote it. They don’t just say they do. Every dollar donated to a worthy social justice…
It’s the same if some calls you any kind of “-ist” in an arguement. It’s designed to shut down discussion, just like statements “anytime someone uses SJW in a derogatory manor, you know right off the bat what kind of person they are and can ignore everything else they say”, it’s almost like it would be “a big flashing…
Did you really compare warning someone about something that could kill them to warning someone about topics that could offend them? This is exactly what’s wrong with the anti gamer gate crowd.
Do people who actually work towards social justice in their communities call themselves social justice warriors? I always thought SJW was supposed to be a derogatory term. I’ve only heard it used to describe people who comment about creative choices in video games and movies, or advance some of the more extreme social…
It kind of assumes that everytime a developer moderates a forum post, that they were in the right. Which I think we can agree, isn’t always the case.
Because it’s being facetious. That’s the joke. It’s how the internet works. If you fight for social justice but are a rational person you don’t get tagged a SJW you’re just called a good person.
“censored” (read: moderated, something every developer has the right to do—how are we still talking about this)“
SJW is a derogatory term. It’s associated with self-righteousness and fanatism. Most individuals who are «accused» of being SJWs don’t identify themselves as such, but their detractors do. You cannot have a reasonable argument with a close-minded fanatic, would he be a bigot or a SJW.
Not really. Social Justice Warrior is meant to be an ironic insult and the term as a whole infers one has a mentality that argues for the sake of oneself and not about the actual issue. I don’t know whether or not the developer earned such an insult but the reviewer was using it in it’s correct definition given his…
Unfortunately it’s pretty standard for people to slap a label on folks they don’t like and then use it to mock them. That’s the nature of trying to have a reasonable discussion of anything approaching politics on the internet. Everybody’s looking for that one snarky comeback that totally shuts down their opponent and…
You know SJW is a derogatory term tho right? It’s like being accused of white knighting.
I honestly feel that there’s more mental illness online than there are helpful knowledge now. The dark corners aren’t corners any more, they are rooms; the good places to be have become the corners it appears.
Ahh yes, the collision of the Old Guard and the New Web is always so much fun.
What? They’re specifically addressing the pay gap. They don’t want a cookie, and it has nothing to do with diversity, which is a fair next step. But what’s really interesting is that this shines a light on the often refuted idea that women actually make less than men. They do when you factor in parental leave taken…
That’s a multi-generational problem though. I graduated with a Computer Engineering degree in 2000. There was one girl in my graduating class (I was at a big state university). The only POC in my class were Asian/South Asian, most of whom were international students.
For Amazon and the big tech companies to hire more…
Ah, that’s the problem, you’re using Klepek’s quote on what *he* thought of the paper.
What Klepek quoted was literally from the email where she stated she had no desire to be involved. He can obviously write about her public remarks, but he quoted her from private conversation, a private conversation in which she stated her desire to be left alone.
Yeah, Klepek is a dirtbag. In response to this woman who he clearly seems to admire for doing her good work?