There’s a whole lot to unpack in here, but this part in particular
There’s a whole lot to unpack in here, but this part in particular
But then the narrative of persecution would be damaged. The whole point is to push a specific narrative of the “culture war” and if they admit that most of the bad things they report on are fringe people not ACTUALLY associated with the groups they’re vilifying then the narrative goes out the window.
Thats why I stay out of this crap. Anyone who actually want to have an actual discussion that isn’t inflammatory quickly has their comments buried under the louder angrier ones.
This article does a fantastic job of trying to force any discussion of censorship into 1 of two camps, turbo harassment neck-beards or the enlightened ones. I dont think that was specifically your goal but its definitely the tone of the article.
The easy answer is GamerGate, the all-too-familiar amorphous group of gamers who organized in summer 2014 after game designer Zoe Quinn’s sex life was made public and eventually ended up at “ethics in games journalism.”
This shit is bad for all sides of the argument and all people involved. I’m strongly agaisnt removal of content or altering content during localizations. I bought Fire Emblem Fates, but I canceled my Bravely Second preorder (mostly for altered endings and editing the art book).
You support censorship because it hasn’t affected something you care about. Try going somewhere like Thailand and try to access a website like The Daily Mail. You can’t, because their government blocks the site because they criticized their King. They censor anything negative about their royalty and you can be jailed…
“And the original author’s intention was... what exactly?” For them to actually have a conversation: hint that something changed Belka’s mindset once she met Camilla, show that both are well known among assassins and how they deeply respect each other’s skills, how they are counting on each other, etc. “It also tries…
Well, I have to ask. Why do you give a shit?
Let them be self righteous dicks about it. I don’t hear about it anywhere but on 4chan and Reddit, and it’s not at all hard for me to just not go in those threads so I don’t have to deal with their mouth breathing.
And for what it’s worth, I haven’t seen anyone, anywhere try…
Well, that’s not the point I was making. The retranslators are in desperate need of a TLC or two. One that actually knows how to write.
I just wanted to know why preferring this style of translation over the one Nintendo released is automatically a “bad thing”.
I mean, that’s just your opinion, isn’t it? Some people consider entire conversations having their meaning changed and character’s personalities being changed as “ruining” the game.
As I explained to another commentator, it’s not that I’m after direct translations with absolutely no localization whatsoever. What I mean is that a localization should not change the meaning or intent of the original dialogue, and I would prefer it if it didn’t.
But the meaning is exactly what is in question. Changing character’s personalities, replacing entire sections of dialogue with silence...that’s not translating meaning at all.
I like the NoA version of the Garon dialogue, but I find the Assassin and Ninja dialogue unacceptable. That isn't funny, it's just stupid. In fact, it apparently outright confused some people. One is embellishments to slightly bland dialogue, and the other is outright removal for an attempt at humor.
Found the “X fans are the worst” comment!
I’m not assuming anything. It says right in the article that retranslation has cheesy anime-esque dialogue.
I was with you until the very last line.
But it’s not a non-issue. I like cheesy anime cliches too. If something that restores that element to the game exists, I’d happily make use of it. And, far from bitching, they’re actually doing something. That’s pretty cool imo.
Why are you so angry? Because some fans would prefer actual dialogue as opposed to “.....”?
I skimmed through the article, but tell me.