Secret Hobo Spices

There are more alternatives than that. Not voting or starting their own party and building their own base are other alternatives. And no, not voting Dem is not the same as voting for the GOP.

There is no reason to raise taxes. This problems solves itself if people just decided to not be poor. -GOP

No, of course not. The last thing he wants is poor kids showing up on his doorstep. He is hoping they all die off before it gets to that point.

Franken 2020 is what needs to happen. He might not want the job but he is the president we need.

You might want to check your math on that. Your point is still valid, but your math is not.

This makes perfect sense as it is a medical expense.

It is so soul crushing at the point that I couldn’t even bring myself to read an article about how soul crushing it is.

They can, but it would need to be Garland that gets the spot.

I had that same concern! We should be friends.

I have two girls and get that question all the time. Sometimes they mix it up and say well what if you could guarantee a boy next time. My response is always no. I wanted a girl and a boy. I got two girls. Zone defense is my nightmare.

Just another college football Saturday.

It’s better than Jedi. Search your heart. You know it to be true

It’s an idea too beautiful for this world I’m afraid.

Let’s all go to the 1:35 mark and look at the reaction from the Barca players. They got hit with a plastic bottle and they fall over like someone was actively punching them.

(Grabs fiddle)

Fuck you for that headline and double fuck you for probably being right.

I stay invested because I am a good citizen and I love my country, but I guess not everyone is like that.

Were hand-wanks mentioned? That’s a cornerstone of the league in my opinion. They cant just get rid of it.