Angry middle-aged white man is not a new spokesman.
Angry middle-aged white man is not a new spokesman.
I would love to see Arteta given the job. Seems to have a good head on his shoulders (and hair!). Have Per as an assistant.
PSG guaranteed. They have been courting him forever. He could also wind up at the National level. I would not mind him taking over the USMNT.
He is truly the Last Emperor. No other manager in soccer or perhaps in any sport will ever have the amount of power he had at Arsenal. From transfers to player diets to stadium and field design, he had the final say on it all.
Yes but it doesn’t involve guns being part of the solution so Florida is gonna have to pass on that.
So they just told her to go on TV and just say bear arms over and over again?
Yea, I am ok with this. I’ll just think of it as a gofundme to protect her from his awfulness.
It is not 50mil. It is plus 50 from transfers in addition to their normal transfer budget. They wont be dropping 200mil on a striker anytime soon but the only way they will get a big name manager (Carlo Ancelotti being the big name at the moment) is if they promise funds to remodel the team, which they seem to have.
I am pretty sure they are net plus 50 mil over the last few years plus Coq/Walcott. If they swap Auba for Giroud plus cash then they would still have a bunch of cash left over.
Wenger is on his way out. This is very much a band aid. He will be gone this year or the next and they will stockpile some money for the new manager to mold the team.
Getting the Dems to compromise their values because they are too afraid to rock the boat and risk the 2018 election will probably work out for Ryan sadly.
I’m ok with this. The grassroots movement is working well and the lack of cash might force the DNC to enact some change to engage the millenials.
He has 13 reason why and you will find them out soon enough. You will all find out soon enough!
Franken’s Statement
Dammit NJ, I would say you are better than this but we both know you aren’t. This is in no way different than a public financed stadium.
Unfortunately they have been forced to eat all of their bootstraps.
You are technically correct. The best kind of correct!
Trump believes in transparency.