Same. I went there on Tuesday, saw the 200 yard line and said “fuck that noise.” I’ll have to at some point (must...have...frozen naan bread) but it’ll have to be a early AM mega-stockup because I’m just not doing that, ever.
Same. I went there on Tuesday, saw the 200 yard line and said “fuck that noise.” I’ll have to at some point (must...have...frozen naan bread) but it’ll have to be a early AM mega-stockup because I’m just not doing that, ever.
It’s is weird and I did it too! A little mom-n-pop on the corner is all I’ve been to in 2.5 months (three times).
Let me guess: She sticks her tongue out too. Getting catfished from misleading dating pics was bad enough before that shit!
Sadly, Trump supporters (of which I hope she’s not one) are worse — None of them realize that almost all news is public information and that a declaration of “fake news!” does not qualify as evidence of anything.
My happy solutions:
1. You just called me out on my male privilege — Kudos. Needed that.
As if the geriatrics on Facebook trading absurdly fake stories from “Freedom Eagle News” would mind?! Hell, they wouldn’t even notice!
Pack a tent and, at the least, a lightweight sleeping bag.
Fucking priceless. And so telling — I’ve yet to meet a single modern conservative (including most of my own family) that understands that nearly everything we see, read, or hear can be fact-checked in seconds (ie, an IMDB search, etc.).
I hear armed robbery is a class 1 melony.
Having broken my hand when a Harbor Freight socket failed, I’d reco everyone promptly self-recall all their Harbor Freight shit*.
Friend my crazy Uncle Bob and prepare to finally see why Trump won.
I am exactly not surprised at all (native ex-San Franciscan here). The once-sweet character of the city has changed massively in the past 20-25. Seems to have become the “entitled prick capital of the world.”
Which brings up an incredibly important point: People who are reckless around you or me once are FAR more likely to be doing this all day, every day. As in, do the odds on how many people they’re in contact with...
Amen. We need to get those two together so they can, er, “self-cancel” and we can all move on from the shitshow of stupid. Hopefully with that one blessed thing this year (crosses fingers realllllly tightly).
Same, but I walked past a packed bar patio near my house this weekend and had a sad realization; Given how those places are now the home of morons who don’t care about/can’t understand the cost of spreading this shit, I’m not going out for beers with friends for a long, lonnnng time.
Okay, yeah, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve read all week. And yes, I read about Trump taking a dangerous drug for treatment as a prophylactic.
It’s not “child abuse” if you’re using your shoe to keep an uncontrolled disease vector (ie, children of stupid people) from infecting your family.
Judgemental? How is explaining the dynamic of a contagion and your social responsibility to others to keep everyone all safe, “judgemental”?
Cool. Now can you hide those stupid cutesy filters from every single woman on a dating app in 2020? Please? I beg of you, please make this big-eye/tiny-nosed, butterflied-and-freckled nightmare stop.