Secondhand Prose

I posted this in the other article, but it needs saying. You have the reasonable response which is, “yeah she could win, but the reality of being president-especially after Chester Cheetah- will take someone with a greater grasp of policy and constitutional law, and it will be a thankless job that no one should have

I can’t get over her promoting & perpetuating people like “Dr.” Phil & “Dr.” Oz. I grew up with Oprah; I’m from Chicago & I distinctly recall her first show. She’s a force of nature, compassionate, smart as hell but... I really don’t want to see Dr. Oz as Surgeon General. 😐

Both things are true:

Oprah could win, easily. Because Oprah could pull the 53% percent of secretly racist white woman who voted for Trump. When those white woman claim that they have a black friend, they are talking about Oprah.

I mean I’d vote for Oprah but I don’t she should run. Turning the President into a popularity trophy is a bad road to continue down, Plus after what they did to Obama and then voting in a sentient caterpillar attached to a 200 pound puss filled tumor with narcissistic tendencies, white America should be made to clean

I’m still wondering how she is qualified. Just because we have a literal clown in the white house — a walking talking parody of a slapstick comedy villain — doesn’t mean we should keep the bar set low. Oprah is charismatic, and admirable, and talented, and wise (though not infallible); but can we get back to folks who

Other hotels too. Makes sense now that last time I was travelling internationally (at a Marriott), someone came by to “check the mini bar” daily for the first time ever. It must have certainly been because I always put up my DND sign when I’m going to be in a place for more than 48 hours, since I like to settle in a

So as a country we’ve decided banning/restricting guns in any way is out of the question, but now we’re just going to accept daily room searches like we’re all children at a particularly punitive boarding school? Guests are paying out the nose to stay at Disney resorts, and they’re still going to have to submit to

They need to be looking towards young, progressive candidates to make people WANT to vote. Which means the Democratic candidate will probably be Joe Biden or some such shit.

Campaign donation limits = the solution to rich idiots having WAY too much power and influence.

My mother used to tell me that they had to dye margarine yellow back during WW2. The dye would come with the package and you had to dye it yourself. I assume there was still a cultural bias against serving margarine which is why the dye was used.

“white boy handicap applied”

Should have worn a rainbow flag lapel pin but with a white boy handicap applied I say 7/10 is a good assessment.

They each think they’re the top but they’re both actually humping pillows.

The complaint is pathetic, but I’d expect nothing less from this idiot. I loved the affidavit that he filed with the complaint, which said he took a polygraph test, and it purportedly demonstrated that he did not know his accusers. He just can’t bear to admit that he was a truly terrible candidate who lost in one of

She knew exactly what the fuck she was doing.

It would really help readers if you put up an actual photo of the goddamned tree.

No, but thanks for sending me down a google rabbit hole.

Real talk. If I had lets-go-buy-dumb-shit money a diamond encrusted cock ring would be top 5. Maybe top 3.

No, it doesn’t make me sad, it makes me constantly elated and in love with modern science that has produced such a miracle! No more throwing myself against a random building as i walk home because suddenly the sadness of the universe is too much to bear and I’m sobbing....I still get sad and mad and all the other