Secondhand Prose

😌 I was on the verge of ‘correcting’ you.

Newspeak has arrived. Orwell is spinning in his grave. Erasure has begun. Be very very afraid. [posted anonymously by an unperson]

That. If the other women had been allowed to testify, he might never have been confirmed, Citizens United wouldn’tbe law, and we wouldn’t be in the godforsaken mess we’re in as a country now.

“Fetus” -> “extra small attached babyperson”

Hey why isn’t there more of a ruckuss about how Clarence Thomas should step down over this? He won’t, I know, but a nice big loud public shaming would be a great legacy capper for his decades-long career of perpetuating right wing bullshit from such a lofty position (as if that in itself wasn’t shameful enough).

Joe keeps saying he needs to apologize. No word on when he’s actually going to do that. I’m not holding out much hope. Because if he ever actually does it, the critics will continue holding him accountable. Saying that he needs to do it buys him time.

“Zealoting civil rights” agenda.

“We singles live empty lives of quiet desperation...”

Rubio was never going to vote against it. He took a stand on something he knew he’d get a tiny concession on. And now he can pretend to be a big man who stood up for families.

“If the FCC won’t stand up for a free and open internet, California will.”

“another customer requested that their flight attendants sing Christmas carols for the duration of the flight”

another customer requested that their flight attendants sing Christmas carols for the duration of the flight

Henceforth, he shall be known as The Notorious D-O-G.

D-O-G, when interviewed, said he himself doesn’t need training, as he is so naturally awesome, but is willing to assist those poor benighted dog-things in trying to slightly increase their own capabilities.

He certainly doesn’t understand the important role he is playing in the lives of the dogs in his world.

In addition to being racist and all-around offensive as fuck, this is a stupid and useless idea. Boomers are retiring now. We need people in our work force now. Getting pregnant right this very second will do exactly jack shit to help this problem - if we don’t fix it with immigrant labor in the meantime, we’ll be so…

fuck you Paul Ryan my IUD is here to stay for another ten to twelve years. MENOPAUSE HERE I COME *AIRHORN NOISE AIRHORN NOIIIISSSE*

Hey Paul Ryan: