Secondhand Prose

Some companies require that you inform your HR dept if you’re dating a colleague/subordinate. There are ways to protect yourself if you’re doing things by the book. He didn’t and now he has 10 people going on the record about his conduct and what they observed.

AKA..Don’t shit where you eat

God, how hard is it to just not hook up with subordinates?! Just don’t do it. Take them off your list of possibles. Wait until they go somewhere else to work. LOOK OUTSIDE OF YOUR OWN OFFICE, FFS.

Tavis is saying he’s not a sexual harasser, he used his status as “The Boss” to hook up with women on the job. Well that changes everything.

As he talks about tweaking nipples...

There are reasons that even the most barebones, we-don’t-care-about-women-we’re-just-covering-our-asses-with-this sexual harassment training manuals and modules talk about the problems with having sexual relationships with subordinates, and they even talk about there not being a meaningful difference between “direct”

Tavis went from being suspected of being gay to grouping women in like 2.5 seconds

I wondered if someone finally took him to task on his behavior or if he saw or read something that made him reflect on his actions.

I started, then stopped, to post the exact same sentiment. It was just too disgusting to imagine this fucker documenting the depths of HIS despair for what he’s done. He isn’t wrong though. He is a fucking problem.

Thank you. I hate watching his show because of the way he condescends to women. This man hates women, period, and uses every kind of justification for it.

Whew I was waiting for you to finish that story with “and then he tried to get in my pants.” What a pleasant surprise.

How many of us have had this happen, the no is accepted but they keep trying. Ten mins later, twenty...basically if you stay and continue to chat or laugh or lay next to them or even kiss, they’ll try again.

I think all of this has made it clear that lessons about consent are not being taught or just not sinking in. Men think rapists wear all black and carry knives and grab you and pull you into dark alleys or break into your house. They don’t think about alcohol or their own physical intimidation or anything. When I

Yeah, typically when you tell someone you don’t want to have sex with them you have a reasonable expectation that sex is off the table until further notice, not that they’ll wait a few minutes and fuck you anyway.

A dude in my friend group at uni told almost the exact same story. The girl didn’t want to have sex, they had sex, she cried, the dude was all wtf? What the hell is wrong with men?

I had a classmate in high school who would constantly say my name, followed by “slob my knob.” It happened in a few different classes and everyone just always giggled while I saw there feeling mortified. I knew my one teacher could hear him but would pretend that she didn’t, which felt like such a betrayal (as a woman

Men know rape is a bad word, but think the action of rape is just fine. They refuse to admit otherwise.

Morgan spurlock didn’t need to do this , we all just assumed he had sexually assaulted someone after looking at him.