Secondhand Prose

Any word on where Hillary was when this “suicide” occurred?

I know it’s wrong but I snort-laughed when I saw he shot himself in Bullitt County.

mainstream whosa whats now?

I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other

One of the only good things to come out of the disaster that is Trump is the larger world getting to know and love April Ryan*. Her reaction to Sanders saying only people with gutter minds would read the Gilibrand tweet is priceless.

How the fuck did six percent of black men and two percent of black women vote for Roy Fucking Moore?

For that matter, how did THIRTY NINE PERCENT of people with graduate degrees vote for him?

One of my favorite things about Jones’ victory is that he pulled it off without compromising on pro-choice values. If he can do that in Alabama (!), I never want to hear another liberal man whining about how Democrats need to throw women under the bus in order to be successful nationally.

What is wrong with white women? I am one and it’s embarrassing. What the fuck.


Those specific whites are always gonna white. Rural southern whites have been on the wrong side of history for the better part of 250 years. We ain’t gonna turn them. We just gotta hope, like tonight, that their turnout is comparably low when we are motivated to show up.

A whole lot of internalized misogyny and self-loathing propped up by white privilege for some, wildly depressing levels of ignorance (also propped up by white privilege) for others.

About 70% of what is wrong with white men.

What the fuck is wrong with white women.

Shout out to all the wonderful Black people who stopped this shit from happening!

We (in Atlanta) called my brother (in Auburn) and threatened to pull his plate at Christmas breakfast and dinner if he didnt vote today. Black folks everywhere should take this win.