Secondhand Prose

No worries, I am glad to have a discussion about all this, these are things that matter a lot, especially in these times where we see a lot of the same patterns of behavior. (by the way this is a super long comment, but the part after the **** is just some good reading on the subject if you want to learn more- what

You know, if it were anyone else saying that it’s a hard part of the job, comforting the bereaved, I might not be so upset. Someone like Obama, one of the Bushes, Clinton—one of them saying that it’s a painful duty to tell someone their son/daughter/spouse/family member is dead and making a condolence call or writing

So all the evidence point to him but because the firefighters might have heard her say another name WHILE SHE WAS ON FIRE, he’s aquitted? How can those jurors sleep at night? That name could be anything, she could have remembered a tv show or the kid sitting next to her in first grade. She probably wasn’t thinking

GW Bush spends a fair amount of time to this day with troops and their families. All unreported. And I admire him for that. 2017 is truly a weird year.

I just want to hug Bush and thank him for being human.

I fucking scream inside every time I hear that “my generals” crap. I have never loathed someone with this intensity.

Isn’t it funny? We donor states (yours: CA; mine: NY) have zero time for this bullshit. Also: if CA doesn’t get FEMA aid, woe be unto all of the rest of the country who wants to, you know, eat. Considering how much of our food comes from CA...

Not for nothing, but I REALLY HATE how he always uses possessive pronouns when talking about the military - “generals” specifically. He SO gets off on saying “MY generals”.

Yeah, I’m pretty pissed at him. We—Californians, as a state—pay an inordinate amount in taxes to the federal government relative to many other states, so we deserve aid and a few kind words regardless of ideological differences. Do we hate him? Yes (excepting the dust bowl parts of the central valley). Are we still

BTW: 41 people dead in California, 0 words of condolence from Trump.

He detests Northern California because none of the municipalities up there have wanted a damn thing to do with him. The only property he has in the state is a (failing!) golf course in Palos Verdes, parts of which fell into the ocean for years until he put up an assload of money to stabilize the cliffs on which it

I’ve got some good political dirt for you, Donnie. I have absolute iron clad proof that George Washington never called the family members of a single US soldier. You’re welcome.

He hasn’t written them yet. No way. He’s a third grader with a late book report.

Not that I give a fuck about what Trump tweets or doesn’t., but it’s plenty telling that he’s still pushing the irrelevant fixation on Hillary and nothing about the wildfires that are devastating California. Granted, it’s a state that hates him, but he still, in theory, is responsible for their well-being. If for

That’s not going to happen. Ivanka’s the Golden Child of a Malignant Narcissist. She has been groomed her whole life to not turn against Daddy no matter what.

I fucking hate him so much.

Can’t wait for thanksgiving...

He can’t even answer a question about communicating with the families of soldiers killed in the line of duty without mentioning Obama and erroneously trying to make himself look better by comparison. He also managed to make calling parents of dead soldiers about him and how hard that is for him:

Yes, Pence is a lot less likely to start a land war in Asia.